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Emergency Alerts

Emergency alerts are one-way messages for districts to send critical information such as school closures, urgent news, and inclement weather to all parents and staff in real-time. You can send alerts to teachers and parents.

Send Emergency Alerts

  1. From the main menu, select Send emergency alert in the Messaging section.

  2. Choose Send alert.

  3. Choose the message recipients and schools.

  4. Write the message, and then click Send.

Verify Message Delivery

To review the status of emergency alerts, select Send emergency alert, and then choose Statuses. Use the deliverability assurance page to do the following:

  • Display which parents received an emergency alert and which ones need to hear from you another way

  • Review deliverability rates.

  • Download the deliverability report to see the receipt and opt-out rates.

  • Maintain a record of all emergency alerts, recipient lists, and date/time stamps.

Summary Report

Use the Statuses page to review the message's Undelivered/Opted Out Summary report.

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