Record Attendance
For NYC customers only
You can access the Record Attendance page in two ways:
From the main menu, click Record attendance in the Attendance section, then choose your course.
Select the course from your school-level dashboard.
Every student in the class displays in the Present column by default.
To mark a student as absent, click the field in the Absent column for the student or click and drag the arrow icon to the Absent column. Choose the absence reason.
To mark a student as late, click the field in the Late column for the student or click and drag the arrow icon to the Absent column. Enter the minutes the student was late.
When finished recording attendance, do one of the following:
Click Save Attendance.
Click Save & Send Message to Contacts to save your attendance and send a message to the student’s contacts. Use the default absent and late messages your district or school uses or create your own message.