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Direct messages

If your district has enabled this feature, you can start a new direct message with a staff member.

Direct messages allow you to communicate one-on-one with any staff member associated with your and your students’ accounts.

To start a direct message:

  1. On the desktop app, click the plus icon next to Direct Messages. On the mobile app, click the plus sign screen’s header and select Direct Message.

  2. Click or tap on the user’s name to start a direct conversation. On the mobile app, tap Direct Message

On the mobile app, unread chats are marked with a solid blue dot next to the user’s name.

  1. In the New Direct Message window, search for the staff member. As you type in the search bar, auto-complete will show the contacts that match your text.

  2. Click or tap the user’s name.

  3. Click or tap Start Chat. On mobile apps, tap the Chat + button.

Delete chat

To remove a conversation:

  1. Select the user.

  2. Click the three dots and select Delete. On the mobile app, swipe left and select Delete.

While you can remove the chat from your list, any previous conversation will still appear when you start a new chat with the user.

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