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Release v3.0.5

The v3.0.5 release will be available by December 4, 2024.



Release Note

Single SignOn access to PowerSchool Community

To simplify access for our users, selecting the PowerSchool Community link will redirect them and automatically log them in without needing to enter their credentials. This is dependent on the user having a valid PowerSchool Community account. If a user lacks a valid account, they can still access PowerSchool Community, but with limited features.

Help icon open User documentation

Selecting “Help” now opens the new PowerSchool SchoolMessenger Sender user documentation in a new web browser. Users are not required to use Single SignOn to log in.

Reduced number of broadcasts within Dashboard

To align the SchoolMessenger Sender App with the new Communicate user interface, the number of completed broadcasts displayed on the dashboard are now reduced to 10. All completed broadcasts will be displayed on the main broadcasts screen under "Sent Broadcasts.”

Added Success Rate Pill to Completed Broadcast Details

To align the Sender App with the new Communicate user interface, we have added the same success rate indicator to the broadcast summary that users see in Communicate.

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