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Telephone Number Reputation Management


As a Communicate client, you can call your users using a toll-free number we provide or your own school or district numbers.

However, due to changes implemented by telephone carriers to block unwanted calls, legitimate users like Communicate clients using their numbers are also finding it challenging to automate calls to their users. Starting mid-2021, telephone carriers will require new protocols to make it easier for authorized callers to make automated calls while ensuring that unauthorized callers cannot do so.

You can take steps to improve the reputation of your phone number and make it more likely that your messages will be delivered successfully. If you use a toll-free number Communicate has provided, you do not need to take any further action. However, if you choose to use your own numbers to place calls, follow the steps in this document to prevent your calls from being blocked by carriers and third-party services.

Register Caller-ID Name (CNAM)

An important step you can take is to register the phone numbers you use to send Communicate calls.

Registering phone numbers reduces the likelihood that the carrier will block calls and increases the chances that users will answer them. When you began working with us, your district was assigned a toll-free number from SchoolMessenger. No further action is required if you are using this number, as our team manages and registers these numbers.

If you prefer to use your district or school phone numbers as the Caller ID for your Communicate calls and are experiencing issues with call delivery, you can authorize us to register the problematic numbers in the National Registry. To do this, you need to provide us with your preferred 15-character CNAM for each phone number you are experiencing issues with. The CNAM can include letters, numbers, and spaces but does not support special characters. If another carrier has provisioned your CNAM, you must contact that carrier to request that they register the CNAM information on your behalf.

Add to National Registry

After receiving your authorization, SchoolMessenger will add your CNAM information to the National Registry of Callers. This will improve the reputation of the numbers and make it less likely they will be blocked. Please be aware that as part of the verification process for the National Registry, each of the numbers you have authorized will be called. It’s important that the calls either go to a person who can verify your identity or to an automated system (such as an IVR) that properly identifies your organization's name. This name must match the one submitted for the CNAM.

Verify against Spam Management Lists

Many carriers and third-party services maintain their own spam management lists. The lists allow you to verify that you are using the phone number to make legitimate automated calls to your users and follow the applicable laws and regulations. By verifying your number, you can improve your reputation with the carrier and make it less likely for your calls to be blocked.

Here are a list of providers. We recommend checking the numbers you are using for Communicate with each of these lists:




Sprint / US Cellular



For AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint/US Cellular, you can fill out a form on their respective sites to check the status of your number and confirm that you are using it for legitimate purposes. For NoMoRobo and YouMail, you can send an email asking them to check if your number has been blacklisted.

Unsubscribe from Notifications

Sometimes, when phone call recipients no longer want to receive your notifications, they may block the call or mark it as spam. While this successfully stops the calls from coming to their phone, it can also negatively impact the reputation of the phone number. If too many users report a number as a spam caller, carriers may block the number, and your messages will not be delivered. To avoid this, ensure your users know the proper process to unsubscribe from phone notifications if they wish to stop receiving your calls and encourage them to follow this process.

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