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The 24.7 release will be available by July 29, 2024.




ContentNav Library/Schoology

Material preview update

Users can now add materials to a playlist or a Schoology course directly from the Preview page.

In the Schoology material preview, when a Playlist is launched in full-screen mode, the display has been improved so that the header only appears once, and the footer is accessible without the need to scroll.

Left navigation menu

The left-side navigation menu has been updated to display the material count for each attribute value. This enhancement enables users to swiftly ascertain the quantity of materials linked to each attribute, thereby facilitating easier navigation and more efficient content management.

Playlists in external content moved to OER Catalogs

Playlists in External Content are seamlessly integrated with OER content catalogs, improving the user experience and content integration within the platform.

Schoology launch improvements

This update addresses an issue where specific users were seeing LearningNav instead of ContentNav when launching from Schoology after their role was switched from student to teacher.

Removed New Question option from Edit Playlist

Removing the option to add a new question from the Edit Playlist screen streamlines the interface by eliminating unsupported features, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

ContentNav Admin

Attribute settings improvements

The Enable USM Standards toggle has been removed from the Attribute settings page. Additionally, the Competency attribute has been removed from the Attribute settings page since it pertained to LearningNav settings and is no longer applicable for ContentNav usage.

OER content is now managed in the same way as catalog content; consequently, the OER content toggle has been removed from the Attribute settings.

When a new catalog is created, the catalog type/content access will now be automatically set to Private.

Removed the edit button for the attribute values which are fetching the attribute values from Custom API.

Simplified Request API page for ThinCC file uploads

Upon uploading a ThinCC file, the individual requests made during the process will not be shown on the Request API Page. This change streamlines the interface, concentrating on vital information, thus enhancing clarity and the user experience.

UI update: Edit Catalog interface

The Edit Catalog UI has been updated to remove LearningNav-specific fields and replace them with ContentNav-specific fields. The dependent Discipline, Subjects, and Grades fields have been replaced with independent Grade Levels and Content Area dropdown menus, allowing users to select from a normalized list of ContentNav metadata fields.

Catalog subscription email notification includes the requester’s name

When a user requests a subscription to a Premium catalog, the email which is generated and sent to the Catalog owner now includes the requestor’s email address.

PowerBuddy for Content toggle in admin UI

The PowerBuddy for Content toggle feature is now accessible to tenant administrators, enabling them to disable it and opt out of AI directly within ContentNav.

Removed unnecessary fields from the Catalog Registry list

Removed the Learning Nav-related fields, Subject and Grade Range, from the Catalog Registry list page.

Resolved Issues

Login process improvement

The bug fix resolves the problem of users being able to alter their email address while logging in. Now, a restriction is in place to ensure that users cannot change their email address during the login process.

Validation check for audio upload file formats

The update introduces a validation step in the material creation workflow to verify that the audio upload feature does not accept unsupported file types, including PDF, Word, and PowerPoint documents.

Material preview

Resolved the alignment problem in the material preview for the Open new tab setting.

Catalog logo upload issue

This update resolves a problem where the uploaded logo for a catalog was not visible. Now, after a user uploads a logo for their catalog, it will be displayed properly.

Password reset length issue

This update resolves a password reset issue for provisioned accounts. In the past, these accounts were assigned a 16-character password, yet the reset procedure permitted only up to 14 characters, which barred users from inputting their correct initial password.

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