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The 24.9 release will be available by September 29, 2024.




ContentNav Library/Schoology

Catalogs section of the navigation menu

The drop-down menu within the Catalogs section of the navigation now lists all catalog values in alphabetical order.

ContentNav Admin

ContentNav admin portal redesign

The ContentNav Admin Portal has undergone a complete redesign to enhance user experience and functionality. Key updates include:

  • Navigation Sidebar, A streamlined navigation sidebar featuring options such as Settings, Partner Registry, Catalog Registry, and Tool Registry for easy access to key features.

  • The Attributes, Integration, and Features tabs provide top navigation for easy access to the respective settings pages.

  • Intuitive Interface: The redesign features a modern, user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation and boosts overall efficiency.

Streamlined Navigation

Access key sections like Settings, Partner Registry, Catalog Registry, and Tool Registry directly from the sidebar for streamlined navigation.

Attributes Settings

Easily toggle the visibility of various content attributes such as Content Types, Depth of Knowledge, Audience, Grade, Publishers, Educational Standards, and Application.

The Attribute Settings page provides the capability to populate the card, allowing users to manage the details of attribute values.

Search bar has been implemented for quicker access to specific attribute values.

The updated interface provides a clear and intuitive layout, making it simpler to manage and customize the display of filters.

Users can now reorder attributes such as Content Types, Audiences, Publishers, Depth of Knowledge, Educational Use, and Language Type to fit their preferences and workflow.

Integration Settings

Redesigned the integration settings page to display the Schoology integration with Content Nav.

Feature Settings

Administrators can now toggle the PowerBuddy content generation feature on or off directly from the Features settings tab.

Edit Catalog - PowerBuddy setting

The 'PowerBuddy for Learning' checkbox on the Edit Catalog page now enables the admin user to activate or deactivate the catalog for student AI chatbot PowerBuddy media sourcing of applicable images and videos.

Partner Registry - Partner Profile page

  • Organization Details: Easily manage and update organization information, including the name, about section, and website URL.

  • Contact Information: Add and edit contact details such as contact name, email, mobile number, and address (country, state, and city).

  • User-Friendly Interface: The new layout provides a clear and intuitive way to manage partner profiles, with an “Edit partner” button for quick updates.

  • Client and Tenant Secret Details: Users can now generate and manage Client ID, Secret Code, and Tenant ID required for OAuth token generation. This feature ensures secure and efficient authentication processes.

  • Additional Partner Details: The “How we are working together” section provides a space to detail collaborative efforts and partnership quotes.

  • Data Metrics: Track important metrics such as Data Count, Total Teachers, and Total Students to monitor and analyze partnership impact.

Catalog Registry - Catalog Profile Page Overview

The Catalog Details section provides an overview of the catalog’s partner and its functionalities.

The Content Distribution section visualizes the types of materials in the catalog.

  • Donut Chart: Visual representation of content distribution across categories.

  • Material Types: Displays the types of content, such as ‘Webpage’ and ‘Text.’

  • Count: Indicates the number of each type of material.

The Additional Details section provides comprehensive information about the content areas and applicable grades.

The Premium Subscription Details section is visible to the catalog owner and shows the active subscribers of the catalog.

Tool Registry

The Tool Registry interface has been upgraded to simplify the process of setting up an LTI tool.

The Tool Configurations section has been simplified to allow for more detailed setup of tool parameters.

Resolved Issues

ContentNav Material Creation

Creating a ContentNav material in Schoology no longer directs to the library search page with the External Content filter active. Now, the My Content filter is applied by default.

Schoology Integration

The Add to Schoology option is now available from the Search page when creating/saving a PowerBuddy for Content created material using the integration, without needing to refresh the page.

District Content Display

District-created content now correctly shows within My Content instead of the External Content.

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