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Request access to a catalog

As a system administrator, you can request access to any available catalogs in the Content Registry within the Learning Registry tab. From the Content Registry, system administrators can locate a list of all of the ContentNav Catalogs. Administrators will not be able to access the specific content within the catalogs, but rather, they will have access to the catalog descriptions and catalog creator profiles.

Catalogs can include OER (Open Educational Resources) content or organization’s catalogs if they were made available to other organizations. Some catalogs are free; however, others are subscription-based.

  1. Navigate to the Library Admin portal.

  2. From the Learning Registry, select Content Registry.

  3. Click the toggle to deactivate Show only my Catalog Registry.

  4. Search or filter the ContentNav catalogs.

  5. Click Subscribe for the catalogs you want to request access to. The catalog creator can accept or deny your subscription request.

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