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Complete an Online Assessment

Your teacher may assign you online assessments. You can complete assessments on either web or mobile.

Complete Assessment on Web

  1. Click on the assessment card to get started.
  2. You will be brought to the overview page for the assessment. Before starting the assessment, take some time to familiarize yourself with this page.
    • Due Date: Indicates when the assessment closes. You will not be able to take the assessment after that time. However, if late submissions are allowed, you will be able to submit your work after the close date. In this case, the assessment will be marked as late.
    • Grade: The grade you received on the assessment once the teacher has returned it to you.
    • Assessment Details:
      • Status: Indicates if you have submitted this assessment or are currently in progress.
      • Attempts: Indicates how many attempts you have remaining
      • Timer: Indicates how much time you have to complete the assessment.
      • Points: Indicates the total out-of value for the assessment.
      • Instructions: General instructions your teacher has provided for this assessment.
      • Resources: Resources for this assessment that your teacher has uploaded. Click on a file to download it.
  3. When you are ready to start the assessment, choose to Take Assessment.
    The assessment page contains the following information:
    • Timer Indicator: If there is a time limit on the assessment, it is shown here. You will get a warning when there is 1 minute remaining on the time. When the timer runs out, you will no longer be able to answer questions. Instead, you will need to submit the assessment.
    • Assessment Progress Sidebar:
      • Question: Indicates a question and whether you have answered it. It also shows the question point value and if you have bookmarked it for review.
    • Instructions: Instructions that your teacher has left for you.
    • Review for Submission: Indicates any unanswered or bookmarked questions that need review.
  4. When you have finished your assessment, go to Review for Submission. Then, click on Submit Assessment to turn in your work.

Complete Assessment on Mobile

When your teacher has assigned you an assessment, it will appear under the Class Feed tab and the To do tab. Under the To do tab, it may appear as Upcoming, Available, or Overdue, depending on the assessment status. Only assessments that are Available or Overdue can be taken.

  1. If you are on the Class Feed tab, tap the assessment card. If you are on the To do tab, tap the assessment name.
  2. You will be brought to the overview page for the assessment. Before starting the assessment, take some time to familiarize yourself with this page.
    • Due Date: Indicates when the assessment closes. You will not be able to take the assessment after that time. However, if late submissions are allowed, you will be able to submit your work after the close date. In this case, the assessment will be marked as late.
    • Status: Indicates if you have submitted this assessment or are currently in progress.
    • Attempts: Indicates how many attempts you have remaining.
    • Timer: Indicates how much time you have to complete the assessment.
    • Points: Indicates the total out-of value for the assessment.
    • Instructions: General instructions your teacher has provided for this assessment.
    • Resources: Resources for this assessment that your teacher has uploaded. Tap a resource to review it.
  3. When you are ready to start the assessment, tap Take Assessment.
    The assessment page contains the following information:
    • Timer Indicator: If there is a time limit on the assessment, it is shown here. You will get a warning when there is 1 minute remaining on the time. When the timer runs out, you will no longer be able to answer questions. Instead, you will need to submit the assessment.
    • Question Information: Indicates the question number and the number of points it is worth unless it is an instruction. Tapping or swiping upwards on the question information will bring up the Assessment Progress Sheet.
      Assessment Progress Sheet:
      • Question: Indicates a question and whether you have answered it. It also shows the question point value and if you have bookmarked it for review.
      • Instructions: Instructions that your teacher has left for you.
      • Review for Submission: Indicates any unanswered or bookmarked questions that need review.
  4. When you have finished your assessment, go to Review for Submission. Then, tap Submit Assessment to turn in your work.

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