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Student Conversations

View Conversations

Select a class and click on the Conversation tab. From here, you can see all posts, comments, and class announcements your teacher has made.

Start a Conversation

  1. If your school or teacher granted you permission to create posts and comments, select Start a Conversation.
  2. Enter your message.
  3. If needed, click the attachment icon (paperclip) to upload files to send to your teacher.
  4. Click Add Post

Leave a Comment

  1. Enter your comments in the comment box for the post.
  2. Press Enter to post.

View Class Announcements

Any class announcements that your teacher has created for a class will also show up under the Conversations tab view. 

Edit Email Notification Settings

  1. Click on your avatar in the main menu and select Account Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Email Preferences tab, and select the type of notifications you want to receive in your email. 
  3. Click Save.

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