View Your Returned Assignments
Once an assignment has been graded and returned by your teacher, you can view the grade for it in the Class Feed. If it was an online assessment, you can also review more details like per-question grades and teacher feedback. You can review assignment grades on either web or mobile.
Review on Web
- Open the Class Feed tab and navigate to the graded assessment.
- Click on the assessment card.
- From the Results view of the assessment, you can review the following information:
- Grade received
- Submission Timestamp
- Any comments from your teacher
- Question details
- Your responses
- Any correct multiple-choice or true/false answers
- Point(s) received on each question
Review on Mobile
- Open the Class Feed tab.
- Tap the assessment you want to view the results for.
- You will initially be taken to the overview page of the assessment. To view your results, tap the Results tab.
- From the Results view of the assessment, you can review the following information:
- Attempt Number: If you have submitted multiple attempts of this assessment, the attempt number will be shown at the top. Tap on this to review the results of a previous attempt.
- Score and submission information: Indicates the overall grade you received for this assessment and when it was submitted. If your teacher left an overall comment for the assessment, it will be shown here as well.
- Question list: You can view the results for each individual question by scrolling through this list.
- Question information: Indicates the question number, title, score, and your answer.
- Comment: Comments your teacher left for the question.
- Tap or swipe up Questions to bring up an overview of all of the questions in the assessment and the grade you received for each one. To check which questions you may need to review, switch to the Needs Review tab. Tapping on a question will close the overview and take you to the details of that question.