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Add Images, Videos, and Links in Curriculum

This is part of our Curriculum Solution. You will not have this option if you are a free user.

In this article, we will show you some tools you can use to enhance your curriculum maps, such as adding images, videos, links, tables, and files, as well as connecting to Google Drive.

Select the section within the unit you wish to edit.  Upon clicking into the text editor box, you can now view the associated text editor box. Many of these editing tools you’re likely familiar with (bold, italics, bulleted list, etc.). We’ve highlighted some of the more helpful ones.

  • Insert Image - Upload either an image saved on your computer or from an internet link.

  • Insert Video - Copy an external video link and paste it here to add that video directly into your unit.

  • Insert Table - This is very helpful when used with the Image, Video, and/or hyperlink features to keep things organized the way you want.

  • Insert Link - This allows you to embed links anywhere within the text box.

Insert a Table

Start by selecting the Insert Table icon. From here, you can select the appropriate columns and rows.

When you click into a cell of the table, additional tools will appear. These include merging cells, adding color to cells, and alignment. 

Insert an Image

To add an image, click where you want the image to go within the text editor space, then click the Insert Image icon. You have the option to link or upload an image.

There are additional options for an image. These include:

  • Resizing the image and changing whether it’s inline with text or breaks the text above and below

  • Add a link so that when clicking the image, it opens the link.

  • Add a caption below the image.

  • Add styles such as a border or shadow.

Insert a Video

To add a video, click where you want the image to go within the text editor space, then click the Insert Video icon. You may link to an external source, embed HTML, or upload a video from your computer.

Once you click Insert, it will add a video that can be played directly from the page.  

Each video will also have additional options that can be accessed when you click on the video. 

Hyperlinks can be added to the current content to enhance the available information and optimize organization within the curriculum map.

Start by selecting the text you want to add a hyperlink to. Once you’ve highlighted the text, click the Insert Link icon and then enter the web address you wish to link.

Link to Google Drive or Upload Files

Each content box has the ability to host files from Google Drive or from your desktop.  

To link a Google Drive document, select the Google Drive logo and choose the file you want to use.

To upload a file from your local drive, select the Attachment icon (paperclip) and choose the file you want to use. 

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