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Add Unit Content to a Lesson

Using unit planning tools, you can add unit content, such as standards and resources, into your lesson plans. Once you have created your unit, you can add a course description, attach standards specific to that unit, and attach any resources you want to be using throughout that unit. 

You must have a unit assigned to your lesson to be able to import its content into your lessons. If your school subscribes to the Curriculum Solution, you can import content from curriculum maps attached to your subject.

Create Unit Content

  1. From the Lessons menu, choose Unit Planner.
  2. Pick a class that you want to edit the unit for.
  3. Select the Units tab. This tab also includes the number of units that have been created for this class.
  4. Select the unit you want to edit.
  5. Navigate to the Description field to open the editing tools. From here, you can insert any text content, images, or links that are relevant to this unit.
    1. Use the Upload Files and Google Drive buttons to add attachments to this unit, such as worksheets.
    2. Use the + Standards button to assign relevant standards to the unit. These standards will be accessible when attaching standards to lessons within this unit.

Add Unit Content to a Lesson

  1. Navigate to the lesson editor, and select Unit Content. You must have a unit assigned to your lesson to access unit content.
  2. On the Unit information page, you can review the assigned resources for the unit.
    1. Copy and paste the content from the Description field of your unit into your lesson. Select if you want to add content to the Top Of Lesson, Bottom Of Lesson, or to your Cursor.
    2. Click the attachment name or the download button to add the attachment to the lesson.
  3. In the lesson editor, click Standards to access standards assigned to the unit. Lessons with a unit assigned to them will have unit-level standards listed first.

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