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Manage Curriculum Map Comments

This is part of our Curriculum Solution. You will not have this option if you are a free user.

Whether you are an admin or a teacher looking to leave feedback on a curriculum map, you can do so using the commenting feature. Comments can only be left on a curriculum map while it’s in a draft version. Publishing a curriculum map will remove all comments. 

Create a Comment

  1. Select a curriculum map in which you would like to make comments, and then click the Edit Draft button.
  2. Select a unit from the sidebar menu.
  3. To leave a comment on a specific field, hover over the field and click the comment button.
  4. Click the textbox and enter your comment.
  5. Optional: If you want to tag a person in the comment, type in the @ symbol before typing in a name, and then select their name from the dropdown. Tagging someone will send them an email regarding the comment.
    For example, if you’re tagging someone named Natasha, you would tag them like this: @Natasha.
  6. Click the Comment button to post a comment.

You can also reply to an existing comment by clicking the Reply button. Replying to a comment will automatically send an email notification to the original commenter without needing to tag them.

You can manage your email notification preferences from your account settings.

Edit a Comment

  1. Select the comment, then click the ellipsis icon.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Enter the required changes within the text field, then click Save.

Resolve a Comment

To mark an actionable comment complete, you can resolve a comment.

  1. Select the comment.
  2. Click Resolve. To reopen a resolved comment, click Re-open.

Delete a Comment

When you delete a comment, any replies to the comment will also be removed.
  1. Select the comment, then click the ellipsis icon.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Click Ok to confirm.
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