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Copy Content from One Class to Another

Use this section to copy materials that include all lesson plan content, units, and assigned curriculum from one class to another for an existing semester. You can do this for the same semester or a different one. If you want to copy past materials when creating a new semester, you can reuse past semester content.

Copying content will overwrite all content in the class that you are copying to. This cannot be undone.

  1. From the Lessons menu, select Semesters.

  2. Click the Copy Materials button to open the Copy Materials window.

  3. Select the semester and class in the Copy Materials From fields to copy the source content.

  4. Select the semester and class in the Copy Materials To fields to overwrite the copied content.

  5. Select the materials from the Materials To Copy fields.

  6. Click Copy.
    It may take some time to copy all the specified materials, but you will receive a notification when the copy has been successfully completed.

Copied content

If you are copying curriculum units:

  • Units and their content

  • Assigned standards

  • Attached curriculum maps (if the school is subscribed to the Curriculum solution)

If you are copying lessons:

  • Lesson plan content

  • Lesson plan attachments

  • Assigned standards

  • If also copying units, any units assigned to lessons

Any edits made to the original lessons during the copy function may result in an unsuccessful copy.

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