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Copy or Reuse Lesson Plan

Copy lesson is a feature that can help save time when lesson planning if you're teaching multiple classes the same content. 

  1. Start by viewing the lesson you want to copy in either the Day, Week, or Unit view.
    Lessons cannot be copied from the Month view.
  2. Copy the lesson.
    • From the Day or Unit views, click Options and choose Copy.
    • Within the Week view, click the expand icon (down arrow) and click Copy Lesson.
  3. On the Copy Lesson to Class page, select the day to copy the lesson to.
  4. Choose which classes on that date to copy the lesson to and select Copy to Class.
Copying lessons will overwrite anything that was already written on the days being copied to. Ensure you're not copying over any dates with lesson content you don't want to lose. 

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