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Create or Edit a Lesson Plan

Day Planner

  1. From the Lessons menu, select Day Planner or Week Planner.
  2. Select the date or the required date using the calendar icon.
  3. Click the Click to Edit box following the subject name and time pane.
  4. Write your lesson plans. Changes will be saved automatically.

Week Planner

  1. From the Lessons menu, select Week Planner.
  2. Select the date from the listed days of the week or the required date from a different week list using the calendar icon.
  3. Click on the Click to Edit box following the subject name and time pane.
  4. Write your lesson plans. Changes will be saved automatically.

Mobile App

  1. Tap on the lesson that you want to create or edit. 
  2. Tap on the content or empty edit area to edit the lesson. Use the formatting tools in the keyboard toolbar to format your lesson plan.

    On iOS, the app will prompt you to tap to edit.  
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