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Deactivate, Remove, or Reactivate Accounts

When a teacher or staff member no longer works in the institution, administrators can either remove or activate their account. When you deactivate an account, the system keeps all data entered by the teacher. The user will not be able to access their account. This means your institution will not be invoiced for the deactivated account, but no data will be lost. When you remove an account, the user permissions shift to a free account. The teacher will still be able to access their lesson plans and data entered from their lesson planner or gradebook, but the Institution will not have access to the account, and the account will no longer count towards billing.

Deactivate account:

  • The user will be immediately locked out of their account.
  • Any data the user has shared or input will still be accessible by the institution admin.

Remove account:

  • The user will be removed from all Schools and Groups they were added to, but they will still have access to their account.
  • If the account is deleted by the user, any resources that have been shared will be deleted from the institution.
  • If the account is deleted by the user, any student grades they have entered will be deleted from the institution.
  • If the account is deleted by the user, any attachments that the account has added to curriculum maps will be removed.

Deactivate an Account

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Organization Settings.
  2. On the Users tab, move the pointer over the Active account status for the user and click Deactivate. Alternatively, you can select multiple users and choose Deactivate from the bulk actions list.
  3. Review the warning tags and indicate that you have read them. Once you have indicated that you have read all warnings, select Yes, Deactivate.

Reactivate Account

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Organization Settings.
  2. On the Users tab, move the pointer over the Deactivated account status for the user and click Reactivate. Alternatively, you can select multiple users and choose Reactivate from the bulk actions list.
  3. Review the warning tags and indicate that you have read them. Once you have indicated that you have read all warnings, select Yes, Reactivate.

Remove an Account

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Organization Settings.
  2. On the Users tab, select the user accounts you want to remove, then click Remove.
  3. Review the warning tags and indicate that you have read them. Once you have indicated that you have read all warnings, select Yes, Remove.

The user will be removed from your institution. The user will be able to access their account but will no longer have access to any of the institution's resources.

Removing users from a school or group will not remove the user from the institution, but those users will no longer have access to the materials specific to that school or group.
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