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Export or Share Curriculum Standards Usage

This is part of our Curriculum Solution. You will not have this option if you are a free user.

The Standards page on a curriculum map is where you can see all standards assigned to any unit or multi-text field and their frequency of use. This article will show you how to save a report of your map's standards usage or share it with a colleague in your institution.

When Viewing a Curriculum Map

  1. Navigate to the curriculum map you want to save or share and click the Standards tab at the top of the page.
  2. Export or share the standards.
    1. Export
      1. To export all of the standards information for the current state of the curriculum map, click Download CSV. The exported CSV will include all standards data separated by unit and field type.
    2. Share
      1. Click the Share Report button.
      2. On the Share Filtered Report dialog, click the Copy button to add a link to this standards report to your clipboard. You can share this link with anyone in your institution with Curriculum access, and they will be able to access this Standards page with the same settings that you are currently viewing the page with.

You can also bookmark the Standards page with the same filters and displayed information by using the displayed keyboard prompts. This can be useful for revisiting your standards usage in the same state you previously reviewed.

From the Reports menu

  1. From the Reports menu, click Standards Analysis.
  2. Select the map you want to export the standards report CSV for from the list displayed. Use the search to narrow the displayed results by tag or keyword.
  3. Click the map, then click Select.

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