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Import Classes from Schoology

When setting up your semester, you can import your already-created courses from Schoology as classes within your lesson planner. This can be especially time-saving if your school has a subscription to this learning management system.

Import Class from Schoology

  1. Open the Lessons menu, then click Timetable.
  2. Click the Import Classes button, then select Schoology.
  3. Click Sign in with Schoology and follow the instructions to link your Schoology account.
  4. Select the classes you want to import from Schoology by clicking on their boxes, then click Okay to move on to the next step.
  5. Now you can change how the imported classes will appear in your planner.
    1. Click the pencil icon to edit the name of your class.
    2. Click the color picker here to edit the color of your class.
    3. If you have multiple sections of the same class, select the classes and click Group Classes to group them as sections within the same class in your planner.
      You will still be able to edit the names and colors of the grouped class before completing this setup and can ungroup them as well.
  6. When you have finished editing your classes, click Import.

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