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Import Lessons from Resources

Import saved or shared lesson plans from Resources into your planner.

  1. Select Resources from the main menu. You can also access this page by clicking the Import button from within the lesson editor.
  2. On the Resources page, search for your lessons using one of the following methods:
    1. Select your groups to review lessons shared within your district, school, or team that you belong to as a whole.
    2. Select Everything to review all lessons you have access to.
    3. Select Shared with me to review lessons shared with you directly.
    4. Select groups that you belong to.
  3. Select the lesson you want to import. On the lesson information panel, click Import.
  4. On the Importing dialog, choose the calendar date of the lesson plan in your planner you want to import the shared lesson to.
  5. Select the class that you want to import the lesson plan to.
  6. If the lesson date you are importing to already has content, choose whether to append, shift, or overwrite the current content on that date.
    • Keep it & append new content will add your imported lesson content after the existing content in your target lesson.
    • Shift existing lesson forward will move the content and all of the future content for that subject or section forward one day.
    • Overwrite existing lesson will replace the content in your planner for that date and class, which will delete the content that is already there. Overwriting cannot be undone.
  7. After making your selection, click Confirm.
  8. From the confirmation dialog, click View It Now to be taken to the imported lesson in your planner.

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