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Insert Math Equations in Curriculum Map Fields

This is a feature available to Chalk Gold subscribers and teachers whose schools are subscribed to our paid solutions. You will not have this option if you are a free user.

Including math equations in your lessons can be valuable for comprehension and delivery for STEM-based subjects but can be difficult to include through plain text. This article will show you how to insert math equations and formulas directly into your lessons through our lesson editor.

Note: This support article goes over how to use the math editor in the context of your lesson planning, but if your school is subscribed to our Curriculum option then you will be able to use the editor within your curriculum maps as well.

Insert Math Equations

  1. Open a lesson you want to insert math equations for and click the Insert Math icon on the formatting menu.

    • When you open the math editor, it defaults to the Graphical Editor option. Here you can use your keyboard inputs to enter simple codes and functions and review a visual demonstration of how they will appear when you insert them into your lessons.

    • Click the Toggle Virtual Keyboard icon (keyboard) next to the input field to toggle a virtual keyboard that you can use to input various commands.

    • Click the Use LaTeX Editor button to switch to a LaTeX command input format.

      • You can also use the LaTeX editor for chemical equations by using the \ce command. For example, \ce{H2O}.

  2. When you are done entering the content, click Insert, and it will be embedded into your lesson as an image.

Once you have inserted a math equation into your lesson, you can click on it to display a menu of available editing options. You can resize the image, change display options, add captions, or edit the equation contents as necessary.

LaTeX Commands

LaTeX is a command system for technical or mathematical typesetting that is used by mathematicians worldwide. Use the LaTeX option in the math editor to embed complex mathematical formulas directly into your lesson plans.

The math editor feature supports over 800 LaTeX commands.

Commonly-used commands include:


  • Times (×): \times

  • Dot (⋅): \cdot

  • Division (÷): \div

  • Plus minus (±): \pm


  • Fractions: \frac{1}{2}

  • Nested fractions: \frac{\frac{1}{2}}{2}

  • Square root (√3): \sqrt[root]{}


  • Not equal (≠): \neq

  • Approximately equal (≈): \approx

  • Less than or equal (≤): \leq

  • Greater than or equal (≥): \geq

  • Much less than (≪): \ll

  • Much greater than (≫): \gg


  • Use ^ for superscript. Example: x^2

  • Use ^{} for exponents with >1 digit. Example: x^{10}

  • Use _ for subscript. Example: x_0

  • Use _{} for subscript with >1 digit. Example: x_{10}

Other Symbols

  • Infinity (∞): \infty

  • Partial (∂): \partial

  • Estimator (θ̂): \hat{}


  • For all (∀): \forall

  • Exists (∃): \exists

  • Or (∨): \lor

  • And (∧): \land

  • Xor (⊻): \veebar

  • Not (¬): \neg

Sets (put an "n" before the command to get the negation)

  • Proper superset (⊃): \supset

  • Superset (⊇): \supseteq

  • Proper Subset (⊂): \subset

  • Subset (⊆): \subseteq

  • Member (∈): \in

  • Empty set (∅): \emptyset

  • Set of real numbers (ℝ): \mathbb{R}

  • Set union (belonging to A OR B) (∪): \cup

  • Set intersection (belonging to A AND B) (∩): \cap

Greek Letters (capitalize the symbol by capitalizing the command)

  • alpha (α): \alpha

  • beta (β): \beta

  • gamma (γ): \gamma

  • delta (δ): \delta

  • epsilon (ϵ): \epsilon

  • zeta (ζ): \zeta

  • eta (η): \eta

  • theta (θ): \theta

  • iota (ι): \iota

  • kappa (κ): \kappa

  • lambda (λ): \lambda

  • mu (μ): \mu

  • nu (ν): \nu

  • xi (ξ): \xi

  • omicron (o): o

  • pi (π): \pi

  • rho (ρ): \rho

  • sigma (σ): \sigma

  • tau (τ): \tau

  • upsilon (υ): \upsilon

  • phi (ϕ): \phi

  • chi (χ): \chi

  • psi (ψ): \psi

  • omega (ω): \omega

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