Navigate Public Curriculum Site
- When you visit your school's public curriculum site, you will see a list of the available published maps along with the date of their publication.
- Use the search bar to narrow the selection of curriculum maps based on searched keywords in the map titles or content.
- Select a curriculum map from the list to display a detailed panel showing published units and assigned curriculum standards.
- Click View to open the curriculum map contents.
- When viewing a curriculum map, click on the unit names to navigate between each unit's content.
- Within each unit, collapse or expand each field type by clicking the arrows in the top-right corner of each field.
- Use the keyword search above the unit list to highlight relevant content in the curriculum map.
- If your school has made them available for public access, you can click the Standards or Pacing tabs to view additional information about this curriculum map.
- The Standards tab will display how many times and in which units each curriculum standard or benchmark is targeted for this curriculum map.
- The Pacing tab will display an estimate of the length of each unit taught for this subject, as determined by your school's curriculum writers.