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Remove Single Sign-On Method

If you created your account through a single sign-on method such as Google, Office365, Apple, or Schoology, you will need to set up a password for your account before you can unlink these authentication methods.

Set Password

The password associated with your single sign-on method is not your account password, but if you have never manually created an account password, you can do so by resetting your password.

  1. On the sign-in page, click I forgot my password
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account. You will receive an email with a one-time link to reset your password. You can verify the email associated with your account in Account Settings.
  3. Follow the instructions in the email to create your new password. 
If the email link redirects you back to your lesson planner, log out of your account and click on the link again.

Remove Single Sign-On Method

  1. From your Profile menu, choose Account Settings.
  2. On your profile page, Unlink the single sign-on method.

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