Review Teachers' Lesson Pacing
This is part of our Curriculum & Instruction solution for users with Admin permissions. You will not have this option if you are a free user.
To review lesson pacing, navigate to a curriculum map and choose Insights.
Within the teachers’ pacing calendar, you can review how teachers are pacing with the content in their lesson planners, including:
Teacher's name
The class that they are teaching
Pacing calendar for a given school year
Lesson plan indicator
Lesson Plan Indicators
The lesson plan indicators give you an insight into what the teacher's planner looks like.
Opaque Grey Ring: Empty lesson plan.
Opaque Coloured Ring: A unit has been tagged on an empty lesson plan.
Incomplete Coloured Ring: The teacher has done any of the following on the lesson plan:
Edited the lesson content
Imported a unit content into the lesson from the curriculum map
Attached standards or learning targets to the lesson
Complete Coloured Ring: The teacher has done all of the above.
To get a more detailed description, move your pointer over the lesson plan indicator.
Review Lesson Plan Content
You must have permissions set to view teachers’ lesson plans.
To review a teacher's lesson plan, select the lesson plan indicator.
From the lesson plan view, you can:
Leave direct feedback for the teacher about the lesson
View information details about the lesson plan
Filter the Pacing Calendar by Teachers or Units
You can filter the teacher pacing calendar by the following:
Schools (You cannot access this if you are only using Curriculum & Instruction within a single building.)
Groups (You cannot access this if no groups are set up.)
Selecting or deselecting any of the options will show or hide related information in the standards coverage view.