Schools and Groups
Within Admin, there is a feature that allows you to create two types of smaller sub-groups within your institution. These sub-groups are called Schools and Groups. Having a School or Group will enable you to set up roles and content specific to a group of people within your institution. This includes creating lesson plan templates, off-days, and curriculum maps for one School or Group that are different from another School or Group and setting admin roles for a specific group of individuals.
Schools and Groups work very similarly and offer many of the same features. Here are some key features to take note of that apply to both Schools and Groups:
- There is no limit to the number of Schools and/or Groups an individual account can be in
- An individual account can have roles set for a specific School/Group (e.g. A teacher who works in two Schools may have admin rights and be able to view accounts, provide feedback on lesson plans, or view insights in one School while having normal teacher-level permissions for the other School)
- Schools/Groups can have their own lesson templates, off-days, and curriculum maps that are only made available to accounts within them
- Insights and lesson feedback features can be looked at through the lens of a specific School/Group, making it easier to focus on a specific subset of accounts within the institution
The key difference between Schools and Groups is that Schools are created to represent the physical buildings within an institution (i.e. If you have multiple schools in your district, they’ll each have a School sub-group). A Group can be created to be within a specific school (i.e. School-wide Group for all Grade 3 French teachers within the same School) or span across the whole institution (i.e. Institution-wide Group for all Grade 3 French teachers within the district/institution).
School Groups
Admins can create their own groups within their school and have more independence.
This makes it much easier for school administrators to manage their own staff, set their own off-days, and empower individuals within their school (for example, a Math Department lead) to take more ownership over their teams.
Institution-wide Groups
Institution Groups allow teachers across different schools to collaborate more easily.
Consider a district with 2 (or more) elementary schools. Each School can have a Group within their School for their Grade 2 teachers to share week-to-week quickly and effectively. They can also set up an institution-wide Grade 2 Group so that resources can be shared with the whole district. This makes it much easier for teachers to collaborate and have district or institution-wide cohesiveness.
Create a School or Group
- From the Admin menu, select Organization Settings.
- To create a school:
- Click the Schools tab, then click Add School.
- To create an institution-wide group:
- Click the Groups tab, then click Add Group.
- To create a school-wide group:
- Click the Schools tab and select the School you want to add a Group to.
- Click the Groups tab, then click Add Group.
- Enter a name for the School or Group. If you need to change the default role for its members, click the Edit button and select a new default role. Click Add School/Group when finished.
- You'll see the newly-created School or Group appear in the list. Click on its name to view and manage its users.
- You can click the back arrow at the top of the page to return to viewing users for your institution or to select another School or Group to view.
Edit Schools and Groups
Within Admin, you can create and edit two types of smaller sub-groups within your institution called Schools and Groups. Having a School or Group allows you to set roles and content specific to selected people within your institution, such as having school or department-specific off-days, and determining which curriculum maps are accessible.
- In the Admin view, navigate to either the Schools or Groups tab.
- Click Add School or Add Group.
- Enter a name for the School or Group. If you need to change the default role for a school's members, click the Edit button and select the new default role.
- Click Add School or Add when finished.
Click on the school or group's name to review and manage users for the school or group. You can also click the back arrow to review users for your institution or to select another School or Group to view.