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Unshare or Remove Lessons from Resources

Unshare a Lesson

When you unshare a lesson from Resources, the lesson will no longer be shared but will remain in your list of saved lessons in Resources.

  1. Select Resources from the main menu.
  2. On the Resources page, navigate to Lesson plans and select the lesson you want to unshare.
  3. On the lesson information panel, click Share.
  4. On the Sharing Lessons page, click Unshare.
  5. Review the warning tags and indicate that you have read them. Once you have indicated that you have read all warnings, select Yes.

Remove a Lesson

When you remove a lesson from Resources, the lesson will no longer be shared and will be removed from your list of saved lessons in Resources. You can still access the original lessons in the lesson planner.

If you remove a lesson that was created in Resources, the lesson is deleted and its contents will not be recoverable.
  1. Select Resources from the main menu.
  2. On the Resources page, navigate to Lesson plans and select the lesson you want to remove.
  3. On the lesson information panel, click Remove.
  4. Review the warning tags and indicate that you have read them. Once you have indicated that you have read all warnings, select Remove.
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