Schoology's App Center provides educators and students access to software developed by other companies from directly within the Schoology website.
System Administrators can install LTI apps and Resource apps at the district level. Depending on the app, System Administrators may install for all courses/groups or specific users only.
Some apps require a subscription or license. They may require you to pay by single-use, subscription per user, or a school-wide subscription.
Installing Apps
To install apps at the district level:
Click the App Center icon , then selectApp Center.
Locate the app you wish to install and click the title.
ClickInstall App.
ClickI Agreeto the terms to continue with the installation.
ClickAdd to Organization.
You will be directed toOrganization Appsto continue the installation.
ClickInstall/Removedisplayed next to the app title.
Depending on the app, you may have the option to install forAll Users;All Courses;For Course Admins onlyorAll Course Members; and/orAll Groups. Check the relevant box(es) for the areas and/or course members you wish to install the app.
If the app requires a license, clickConfigureand enter theConsumer KeyandShared Secret(provided by the app developer) to approve the app for your organization.
AConsumer KeyandShared Secretare only required for LTI 1.0 and 1.1 apps. LTI 1.3 apps do not require a key or secret.
ClickSave Settings.
Uninstalling Apps
To uninstall apps from courses or users at the district level:
Click the App Center icon , then selectApp Center.
ClickOrganization Apps.
Locate the app and clickInstall/Remove.
Deselect all the areas from which you want to uninstall the app.
ClickSubmitto save your changes.
To remove apps from the App Center at the district level:
Click the App Center icon , then selectApp Center.
ClickOrganization Apps.
Locate the app and clickX.
ClickSubmitto confirm.
Configuring Apps at the Building Level
This feature is in limited availability. If you're a system administrator and interested in configuring LTI apps at the building level, reach out to your Schoology representative.
Apps featured in the App Center are typically installed and configured in Schoology at the district level and cannot be configured separately for each school building. However, some LTI Apps require each school or building to have their own access credentials when the license is not distributed at the district level. System Administrators can configure LTI Apps for specific schools in their organization with the following steps:
Step 1 - Install the app from the App Center
To install an app as a System Administrator:
Click the App Center icon at the top of Schoology, then clickApp Center.
Locate the app you wish to install and click the title.
ClickInstall LTI App.
ClickI Agreeto the terms to continue with the installation.
ClickAdd to Organization.
You will be taken to Organization Apps to continue the installation.
Click Install next to the app.
Select either All Schools orSpecific Schools.
Depending on the app, you may have the option to install forAll Users,All Courses,For Course Admins onlyorAll Course Membersand/orAll Groups. Check the relevant box(es) for which areas and/or members you wish to install the app.
If you change the installation settings at the district level, they cannot be changed at the building level.
Step 2 - Configure the app at the building level
To configure an app at the building level:
Click the App Center icon at the top of Schoology, then clickApp Center.
ClickOrganization Appsunder the header at the top of Schoology.
Select the school building you wish to configure the app for from theAll Schoolsdrop-down menu:
Locate the app and clickConfigure.
Enter theConsumer KeyandShared Secretprovided by the app developer.
The building-level credentials will override any preset credentials from the district.
AConsumer KeyandShared Secretare only required for LTI 1.0 and 1.1 apps. LTI 1.3 apps do not require a key or secret.
ClickSave settings to complete.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I install an app for all buildings in my organization and make changes for a specific building? No, if you are installing an app for all buildings in your organization (from the All Schools view in Organization Apps), no changes can be made at the individual building level.
If you wish to install an app to all buildings and have different settings for a specific building (for example, install an app for course admins only at the middle school but install for all users at the high school), then you should make those changes within the specific building. Use theAll Schoolsdrop-down menu inOrganization Appsto switch between different buildings in your organization and make the changes from there.
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