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Apps for Google Integrations

Schoology built the Google Drive Assignments App and Google Drive Resource App to support instructors and students in sharing and assigning Google content directly from their Google Drive, all within the Schoology platform.

Google recently released the Google Assignments App and Google Drive App to enable instructors to create Google Assignments directly in Schoology and for instructors and students to share Google content from their Google Drive within Schoology. These apps use the Google Assignments and Google Drive interface which instructors and students may be more familiar with.

The Schoology apps and Google apps have similarities and differences which may leave organizations wondering which app is best suited for their needs. Use the tables below, which outline the supported features for each app, to determine which application meets your requirements and goals.


Comparison chart between Schoology app and Google app.

Google Drive

Comparison chart between Schoology app for Google Drive and the Google Drive app.

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