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Assessments on the Android App (Students)

Students can view and submit Assessments from a mobile device.

To take advantage of all Schoology features, it is strongly recommended that users upgrade to the latest version of Android. Schoology supports the latest 5 versions of Android. Whenever Google releases a new version of Android, Schoology will drop support for the oldest version it previously supported.

Within the Android app, you can open an assessment from anywhere that you normally access materials, such as the course materials page, calendar, upcoming feed, or notifications.

Left: The Course Materials view on a OnePlus 5T. Right: The Upcoming view on a OnePlus 5T.

Begin an Assessment

Tap the assessment or managed assessment to open the assessment directly within the Android app. From here, you can start a new attempt or resume an attempt you have already started.

Left: View before an attempt has been started on a OnePlus 5T. Right: View when an attempt can be resumed on a OnePlus 5T.

Assessment Experience and Tools

Taking an assessment on larger devices, like a Galaxy tablet, is very similar to taking an assessment on the web version of Schoology. Tap the menu icon on the upper right to access the vertical toolbar for your assessment tools and to navigate to specific questions.

Above, view while taking an assessment on a Galaxy S7 tablet (landscape view). Below, accessing the toolbar on a Galaxy S7 tablet (landscape view).

The assessment experience has been optimized for small screen sizes, so you'll notice some small changes when taking an assessment on a smartphone. The toolbar is collapsed into a drop-down menu, and the arrows on the bottom are used to navigate between questions.

Any assessment tools that have been enabled for the assessment can be accessed from any mobile device, regardless of size.

The assessment layout changes slightly on smaller mobile devices. Above, various assessment tools are shown on a Pixel 4. Below, navigating to the assessment tools menu and using the Accessibility options on a Pixel 4.

Below, various assessment tools on a Galaxy S7 tablet (landscape view).

Submitting an Assessment

After answering all questions and using any necessary tools, you can submit the assessment by tapping Finish on the review screen and Yes on the next screen. Tap No to continue a review of the attempt.

Above, submitting an assessment on a Pixel 4. Below, reviewing an assessment on a Galaxy S7 tablet (with a flagged item).

Reviewing a Submitted Assessment

From the assessment page, you can view your grade, submissions that have been graded or resume any attempts that are still in progress.

Depending on the settings in place for the assessment, you may not have permission to view submissions.

Above, the Assessment page after submitting on a Galaxy tablet (landscape view).

On smaller screens, scroll down to see information about attempts you have begun and submitted.

Left: The Assessment view after submitting multiple times on a OnePlus 5T. Right: Scroll down to view other attempts.

If you have permission to view submissions, you will see the View option. This opens the submission detail view, where you can scroll through the assessment to view each question.

Submission detail view on a Galaxy tablet (landscape view).

Use the back arrow in the upper left of the screen to exit the assessment page and return to the course.

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