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Assignments in the elementary experience - students (enterprise)

The elementary experience provides a workflow for submitting your work to assignments. After you submit an assignment, your teacher can grade the assignment, provide feedback, and upload a file in return to you.

Your teacher determines which submission options are available to you for an assignment.

Submit an assignment

You can submit a photo, audio or video recording, file, or text to an assignment.

There is no option to retake photos or re-record video or audio recordings. 

  1. Navigate to the course that contains the assignment.
  2. Choose the assignment to submit.
  3. Click Start to access the full list of submit options.
  4. Choose the appropriate submission format. Optionally, click See More to review the full assignment description.

    • Click Take Photo.

      1. If you are using the camera for the first time, click Allow

      2. Take a photo on your device.
    • Click Record Video.
      1. If you are using the camera and microphone for the first time, click Allow. Be sure your camera is not being used in any other applications.
      2. Record your video and click Stop when complete.
      3. Click Play to preview your video.
    • Click Record Audio.
      1. If you are using the microphone for the first time, click Allow.
      2. Record your audio and click Stop when complete.
      3. Click Play to preview your video.
    • Click Upload.
      1. Click Choose File.
      2. Select a file from your device to attach to the assignment. 

        • You can only upload one file to your submission.
        • Files can't exceed 512 MB.
        • Schoology supports the following file types: CSV, DOC, DOCX, DXF, EPS, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPEG, JPG, MP3, MP4, MOV, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PNG, PPT, PPTX, PSD, RTF, SXW, TIFF, TXT, WAV, WMV, WPD, WPS, XLS, XLSB, XLSX, and XML.
        • The document display in assignments can't convert Apple Pages, Numbers, or Keynote files, but your teacher can download these submissions.
    • Click Type.
      1. Enter your text.  
  5. Click I'm Done! to submit.

Resubmit an assignment

If you need to resubmit an assignment, navigate to the assignment page, and then click Assignment. Repeat the steps to submit an assignment.

Review submissions

Navigate to My Work in the assignment to review your submission and grade.

Select Submission Activity to review comments from your teacher.

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