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Claim Domain (Enterprise)

Claiming your school’s domain in Schoology will prevent other schools or organizations from using your school’s email address. For example, Jane Smith will not be able to create a new account using Additionally, accounts existing outside of your organization can be merged into your domain in Schoology via School Management > Import.

Work with the webmaster or technical team at your school to claim your school’s domain on Schoology. If your organization uses more than one domain, you can claim an additional domain after claiming the first.

To claim your domain in Schoology:

  1. Click Tools.
  2. Select School Management.
  3. Click Integration on the left.
  4. Click Claim Domain.
  5. Enter your organization's URL to claim the domain in Schoology.
  6. Click Continue.

Complete the Claim Domain process by verifying your domain via HTML file upload (Simple) or DNS record (Advanced).

You must claim rather than
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