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District Scale Creation (System Admins)

As a System Admin, when you navigate to Tools, then School Management, then Grade Settings, then click the Grading Scales tab. Click Add Scale to start building your district mastery scale.

Only points-based scales are supported in the Standards-Based Gradebook.

A default scale is provided for District Mastery if you choose to use it.

Default District Mastery scale.

Create a Scale for District Mastery

When you click + Add Scale, a pop-up menu appears. Click Points from the options menu. The Standards-Based gradebook only supports point-based grading scales.

One of the first things you’ll have to do is decide how many points you want on your scale. By entering values in the points field you are setting the floor for each level. Higher-level calculated scores that may not correspond directly with a level in your scale, a range will be applied. For example, for a standard 4 point scale, the following ranges will exist for calculated scores:









Using this example, if a calculated score for an objective is 2.3, the gradebook would show the description and color associated with the second level of the scale. If the calculated score is a 3.6, the gradebook would show the description and color associated with the third level of the scale.

Mastery Scale Display Options

When creating your scale, you have a handful of customization options.

Scale Display Options with examples.

Along with each point value, you have the ability to set the associated description and the color. You also have the ability to decide what teachers will view in their gradebook and grading workflows: Points Only, Descriptions Only, or both.

When setting points, keep in mind the gradebook will display up to 2 decimal points for any calculated score.

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