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Elementary Experience - Parent Guide (Enterprise)

Schoology is now offering a new experience for elementary students. The new experience displays courses and content in a more simplified format that is engaging and easy to use for young learners.

The Elementary Experience offers the following features:

  • Simpler navigation: Students see a simplified course layout.
  • New course section: Focused on a more engaging experience.
  • Brand new Assignment experience: Students have the ability to draw, record, photograph, annotate, and more to submit their work. The current phase of the Elementary Experience enables students to take a photo, record audio/video, upload a file, type, and submit to the assignment.

  • If you do not see the Elementary Experience in your child's course, reach out to their teacher with any questions.

Using the Elementary Experience

The Elementary Experience offers a more simplified version of your child’s course. Instead of the traditional course menu navigation on the left and Upcoming items on the right, your child will see the most important content all at once. This includes a simplified course navigation menu on the left and folders and course materials displayed as individual cards on the main page. The course navigation menu provides access to My Activities (Materials page) and any installed course apps. When your child opens a material, it is displayed in a simplified full-page screen.

Teachers can add Featured Images for each folder and material type to help your child navigate through the course and identify different tasks for them to complete.

Above: Course view in the Elementary Experience. This view shows a simplified course navigation menu on the left, along with folders and materials displayed as cards for a smooth experience. Each course item has a Featured Image displayed to the left.

Below: Assignment view in the Elementary Experience. Materials are displayed in a simplified full-page view.

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Accessing Your Child’s Activity in the Elementary Experience

Parents of children using the Elementary Experience can use their Schoology account in the same way they normally do in Schoology.

To access the Elementary Experience from your child’s account:

  1. Click the arrow in the upper-right corner of your account and select your child’s name to switch into their account.

    If you have multiple children associated with your account, all will be displayed in this area. The checkmark in this drop-down menu indicates which account you are currently viewing.
  2. From the home page of your child’s account, click Courses in the header.
  3. Select the desired course to navigate to the course as your child accesses it.

Depending on the permission settings in place at your school, you may not be able to view content posted by other members of the course.

To return to your Schoology account, click the down-facing arrow next to your child's name and select your account. If you have linked accounts in Schoology, you will see the school associated with each account under your name.

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