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Email notifications for Auto-Import (Enterprise)

If you have set up a scheduled Auto-Import process for your organization, you can also configure email addresses to receive email summaries each time an import completes.

Configure Notification Emails

  1. Open the Auto-Import tab in the Import area.
  2. Select the Enable notification e-mails checkbox next to the Notification Email(s) field. A field appears so you can enter an email address.
  3. Click Save.

If more than one email address needs to receive the notifications, select Add Another E-mail Address. To remove an email field, click the gray X next to the email. Save your changes each time you make edits to this area. The email address does not need to be associated with a Schoology account. You can add up to 20 email addresses in this area.

The designated email addresses will receive an email summary for each import process once it completes. For example, if you schedule a Users, Courses, and Course Enrollments import once a day, three email summaries will be sent each day.

Email Summary

The email will include one of the following three status messages:

  • Import completed successfully
  • Import complete with errors
  • Import failed

The number of errors that occurred during the import will be counted by error type. For example, if 20 rows in my import file were missing a required field, the number of errors will be 1.

If the import file also had a duplicate row, the email summary will list 2 errors: one for missing required fields and one for duplicate information.

To see the specific error messages and number of affected rows, click the link to the Status Log in Schoology.

If your organization uses a custom domain and SSO method, the link in the email will reflect the custom domain or subdomain. Therefore, we recommend configuring the notification emails for a Schoology user within your SSO method.

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