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Google Drive Resource App Administrator Guide

The Google Drive Resource App is one of the Resource Apps available in Schoology. You can use Resource Apps to integrate third-party content directly into your Schoology Resources. This means that all of your personal, shared, public, and external instructional resources are consolidated in one place. With this integration, you can:

  • Access your Google Drive content from your Schoology Resources.
  • Add Google Drive content directly within Schoology and sync to Google Drive.
  • Add Content from the Google Drive Resource App to a Course or Resource.
  • Import your Google Drive content directly within courses and groups.
  • Edit your Google Drive content in Schoology and sync automatically to Google Drive.
  • Add your Google Drive content to Updates, Discussions, Assignments, Pages, and Tests:
    • Insert content to embed resources in your materials.
    • Attach content in all areas where attachments are available.
  • Accept submissions from students who are connected to Google Drive.

Install the Google Drive Resource App for a School

If you're the System Administrator of your school or organization (Enterprise), you can install the Google Drive Resource App for all users, or to certain roles in your school.

  1. Click the App Center icon in the header, then click App Center.
  2. Find and click the Google Drive Resource App.
  3. Click Install Resource App.
  4. To add the app to your school or organization, select the option to Add to Organization.
  5. Once you're in the Organization Apps area of the App Center, click Install/Remove.
  6. Select the option to install the app for All Users. If you'd like to limit the app to certain roles, remove the checkmark for the roles you would not like to access Google Apps in their Resources.
  7. Click Submit.

Install Google Drive in Google Apps for Education for a School

  1. Click the App Center icon in the header, then click App Center.
  2. Find and click the Google Drive Resource App.
  3. Click Install Resource App.
  4. Select Add to Organization.
  5. A list displays your school-wide apps. Click Configure next to the Google Drive Resource app for directions to configure the app.
  6. Once you've authorized your Google Apps for Education account, you can check the box to Enable Domain-Wide Access.
  7. Click Save Settings.
  8. On the School Apps page, click Install/Remove.
  9. Select the roles for whom you would like to install the Google Drive Resource App.

After the Google Drive Resources app is installed, content must be individually shared from Google Drive to Schoology in order for the files to display in Schoology. Click Add files from Google Drive to share individual files with Schoology. 

Add content from Google Drive to Schoology

Content has to be individually shared from Google Drive to Schoology before it will display within the Resource App or a course. To share content from Google Drive:

  1. Navigate to the Google Drive Resource App, and click Add Resources.
  2. From the drop-down menu, click Add files from Google Drive.
  3. Select the individual files that you want to share with Schoology.

    1. You can narrow your search by using the search bar, filter options, and sort options.
    2. Folders cannot be added from Google Drive. Select the individual files to add them to Schoology.
  4. Click Select to save and share your content with Schoology.
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