Home Page (Parents)
Schoology Home Page: Your Parent account compared to your child's Schoology information
Having a Parent account in Schoology is actually like having two accounts:
- Your personal account, with your own name and information.
- Your Child Activity display. Where you can access Schoology from your child’s perspective—access what they access and receive updates about their activity.
To switch from your account to your student's account, click your name from the header, and select your child’s name. If you have multiple children associated with your account, all will be displayed in this area. The checkmark icon in the drop-down menu indicates which account you are currently accessing.
Child activity
To access your child's activity, click your name in the header, and select your child’s name.
From their home page, you can quickly access specific information about your child’s Schoology activity.
Student Activity
The Student Activity area displays your child’s recent submission, grade, and attendance information.
Switch to the Enrollments display on the home page to access a list of the courses your child is currently enrolled in, along with their grade. If the teacher or administrator has chosen not to display the grade while the course is in progress, a blank value will be displayed under the Grade column.
Click an individual course to display grades received on assignments, assessments, and discussions from that course. Depending on the permission settings in place at your school, you may not be able to access content posted by other members of the course.
Toggle between current and past (archived) courses with the Current/Past filter next to Courses.
Recent Grades/Attendance
The Recent Grades/Attendance area lists graded assignments, tests/quizzes, discussions, and attendance marks for the student. To display the graded items and attendance marks, click the item you'd like to access.
To Do
The To Do section of your child's home page displays events, assignments, tests/quizzes, and discussions that have an associated due date.
Hover over each item to display the course or group associated with the item, or hover over the clock or exclamation point icons to display when the material is due. If a student has more than three overdue items, an option will display to allow the user to access the additional overdue work.
The Recently Completed section displays grade-able materials that have been submitted. Hover over the icons associated with each material to display if the assignment has been graded, and what the percentage grade is for that assignment.
- Test/Quiz appears in the To Do list only when submissions are enabled.
- Grade columns and LTI types will only display in Recently Completed after it has been graded.
You can view a list of your child’s current courses. Click the course name to navigate to the course profile as your child would. Depending on the permission settings in place at your school, you may not be able to access content posted by other members of the course.
The Courses drop-down menu displays up to 12 courses. To display a full list of your child's courses, click Enrollments on the home page.
If you're using the Elementary Experience, review the Elementary Experience - Parent Guide help page.
You can access a list of your child’s Schoology groups. Groups can be used for different activities, from school projects to extracurricular teams and clubs. Depending on the permission settings in place at your school, you may not be able to access content posted by other members of the group.
The Groups drop-down menu displays up to 12 groups. To display a full list of your child's groups, click Enrollments on the home page.
Depending on the settings in place at your child’s school, this menu provides access to the following:
A. Grade Report: Review your child’s grades for all courses.
B. Mastery: If your child’s school aligns materials to standard and learning objectives, you can check your child’s progress in this area.
C. Attendance: Review your child’s attendance for all courses.
On smaller devices (for example, iPhones), the Grades area is accessed by tapping More in the header.
The calendar displays past and upcoming events and assignments. To display more information regarding a particular event, move the pointer over the title. A clue tip displays with the event type (assignment, assessment, event), the event's course or group, and the student's name. Click the event to display more information in a dialog window.
There is no Message icon in the Child Activity display. Messages to your child are private and are not accessible from a Parent account.
Your account activity
To return to your Schoology account, click the child's name in the header and select your name from the drop-down list. If you have linked accounts in Schoology, the school associated with each account will display with your name.
While toggled into your account, your name will be displayed in the header. Your account home page displays activity related to any courses and groups that you are enrolled in, as well as school information from the school with which you are associated.
Recent activity
Similar to your child's Activity Summary, your Recent Activity area displays updates from the school, courses, and groups in which you participate.
You can filter the Recent Activity feed by:
- Most Recent
- Updates
- Polls
Click Most Recent and select your preferred feed view.
Upcoming events
Within the Recent Activity area, the Upcoming Events section displays a list of impending events for your school. To access additional details about the event, click on the event name.
Access your calendar from the calendar icon in the header of your account. Your calendar displays personal events you've created for your account, events, assessments, courses, and groups in which you're enrolled.
Create personal events
The quickest way to create an event is from the Recent Activity area on your home page. Click Event under Recent Activity. You may also create an event from your calendar.
To add an event from the calendar:
- From the header, select the Calendar icon.
- Click the date to which you'd like to add the event.
- Fill out the Event form.
- Optional: Attach a File, Link, Resource, or Audio/Video Recording from the bottom ribbon of the rich text editor.
- Choose an RSVP option. You can set it to Disabled, Only invitees can RSVP, and Anyone can RSVP (public event). Depending on the settings in place at your school, this option may not be available to you.
- From Options, click the Comments icon to enable/disable comments.
- Click Create to complete.
Edit an event
To modify an existing event:
- Click the event to modify.
- Click Edit Item.
- After you've made changes, click Save Changes.
Delete an event
To delete an event:
- Click the event you'd like to delete.
- Click View Item.
- Click the gear to the right of the event profile.
- Select Delete to complete.
If you choose to create an event with an invitation from your home page, you must invite everyone manually.
Access your messages from the Messages icon (envelope) in the header. Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may be able to exchange messages with teachers at your school.
There is no Messages icon in the Child Activity display. Messages to your child are private and are not accessible from a Parent account.
Check new messages
When you have a new message in your inbox, the Messages icon in the header displays a new number.
- Click the Messages icon (envelope) to display a list of recent messages.
- New messages are indicated with a blue dot. Click the message you'd like to read in full.
- To reply to a message, write in the Message area, then click Send.
Check sent messages
- Click the Messages icon (envelope) and select View All.
- Click Sent Messages.
- To read a message, click a message you've sent in the past.
- To send a message, click +New Message.
- Fill out the form, and click Send to complete.
A recipient name automatically populates when you enter a teacher's name in the To field. If you cannot send a message to certain users, talk to your child's teacher for further guidance.
If you have linked accounts in Schoology, we recommend that you check for new messages in each of your linked accounts.
Notifications and requests
The bell icon in the header displays Notifications and Requests. Any time someone sends you a message, wants to connect, or does something that pertains to you or your affiliations, it will be easily accessible in this area. Everything is chronologically ordered and clickable to make managing them simple.
Site footer
At the bottom of every Schoology page, the footer includes the following:
- Language Selector — Use this menu to set the language of your Schoology experience.
- Support Center — Access the Support Center to display your Support Contacts and/or support options, as well as links to the Schoology Help Center and Community forums.
- Schoology Blog — Navigate to our blog, the Schoology Exchange.
- Privacy Policy — Access our Privacy Policy.
- Terms of Use —Access our Terms of Use.