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iOS Mobile App


Parents: The Home page for parents displays the courses and recent activity for the parent. To view courses and recent and activity for your child, proceed to My Children.

Based on your Account Settings, either the Recent Activity area or the Course Dashboard is displayed by default as the first screen you view when opening the Schoology iOS app. The Recent Activity area displays all of the most recent updates and blog posts that populate your Schoology homepage. The Course Dashboard displays your courses in a tiled list.

You can switch between the two views by tapping the clock icon or the tile icon at the bottom of the Home screen.

Recent Activity

The Recent Activity displays all of the most recent updates and blog posts that populate your Schoology homepage. You can access Recent Activity by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the Home screen.

Refresh Feed

At any point, you can update the Recent Activity feed by swiping down on the Recent Activity screen then releasing to refresh. To view additional posts, simply swipe upwards to scroll.

Create a New Post

You can create course, group, and personal updates from the iOS app. To create a new post, follow these instructions:

  1. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

  2. Select Post.

  3. Select a course, group or personal update from the Post to... field.

  4. Once you have chosen the area(s) that you would like to update, use the back button in the upper left to go back to the update screen.

  5. Enter your update in the Write an update... field and tap Done in the upper right.

  6. Add attachments from Library, Take Photo or Video, and Resources if you wish using the Attach button on the bottom right.

  7. Tap the Checkmark icon in the upper right to post your update.

If you’d like to cancel your post, you may tap the X in the upper left. Please remember to refresh the screen to see the latest information.

View and Add to Replies - Instructors & Students

To view existing replies to a post:

  1. Tap the speech bubble below the post.

  2. If you’d like to add a reply, tap the Comment... field.

  3. Type your comment.

  4. Tap Post.


Messages contain all received and sent mail in your Schoology account. You can access messages by tapping Messages from the navigation menu. You can refresh, compose a new message, and reply to existing messages directly from this sub-menu. If you see a red dot next to Messages in the navigation menu that means you have a new message from other Schoology members.

You can also send a message within a course.


  • Your child's school may or may not allow you to send messages in Schoology.

  • These messages are for your personal parent account. It's not possible to view messages your child receives.


The inbox displays the received messages by default. A blue dot indicates an unopened message. To view the message, simply tap the message you would like to open.


To view sent messages, press Sent from the Inbox screen, then tap the message you would like to open.

Compose and Reply to Messages

To compose a message, tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen while in the Inbox or Sent screen.

  1. Begin typing a name in the To field. The field will auto-populate with users to whom you may send mail. To select a user, simply tap their name from among the list.

  2. Type the subject of the message.

  3. Type the content of the message.

  4. Tap the Checkmark icon in the upper right to complete.

To reply to a message, open the message and tap the blue arrow icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Your school may or may not allow you to send messages to everyone in the school directory.


The menu notifications display course and group events in chronological order to keep you informed of Schoology activity. If you see a red dot next to Notifications in the navigation menu that means you have a new notification.

Email and Mobile Text Notifications

In addition to the menu notifications, Schoology sends you email and mobile text notifications for Social, Academic, Group, and School activity that occurs in your account. In the Notifications area under Account Settings, you can manage which activity generates email or mobile text notifications.

Email and mobile text message notifications differ from the Notifications menu located in the left navigation menu. The notifications listed under the navigation menu are not customizable. They display information related to course and group events in chronological order to alert you to Schoology activity. For more information on the notifications that appear in the bell icon menu, see: What kind of notifications appear in the menu notifications?


  • These notifications are for your personal parent account. To view menu notifications for your child, proceed to My Children.

Managing Email and Mobile Text Notifications

To change the email and mobile notifications that you receive:

  1. Log into the Schoology app.

  2. Select Account Settings from the navigation menu.

  3. Tap the Notifications tab.

  4. You can customize the notifications you receive by adjusting the various settings under the Email and Mobile column.

  5. Be sure to tap Save Changes at the bottom of the panel.

Push Notifications

You can choose to receive a push notification on your iOS device whenever an important piece of content is added to a course or group you are directly enrolled in. Here are some examples of the types of occurrences push notifications would relay:

  • Course update post

  • Group comments on updates and discussions

  • New assignment or discussion post

  • Receive a private message

When a notification arrives, if the app is closed, then you may see a banner or alert display on your screen. If the Schoology app is open, then the notification will be displayed on your screen. Tapping the notification will take you to that piece of content within the Schoology iOS app.

Enabling Push Notifications

To enable notifications:

  1. Make sure you've downloaded the latest version of the Schoology iOS app from the Apple AppStore.

  2. After installing the update and logging into the app, you will be prompted to enable notifications.

  3. Select OK, and you will be registered for notifications.

Disabling Push Notifications

To disable notifications:

  1. Go to your iOS Settings.

  2. Select the Notifications option and then select the Schoology app.

  3. From there, select disable Allow Notifications or select None for the Alert Styles.

  4. You should stop receiving notifications immediately.

Re-Enabling Push Notifications

To re-enable notifications:

  1. Go to your iOS Settings.

  2. Select the Notifications option and then select the Schoology app.

  3. From there, either select Allow Notifications or select the Alerts and Banner style.

  4. As a final step, you may need to 'kill' the Schoology app from the background if it is there, and then restart the app.

  5. You will now start receiving notifications.

Your Profile

Tap your name from the navigation menu to view your personal profile. These same areas also display if you view the profile of another user in the app.


The Updates tab of your profile displays updates you've posted on your personal profile.


Tap Info to view the info displayed on your user profile. To edit which info displays on your profile, go to Privacy Settings from your Account Settings.

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have access to Privacy Settings.


Tap Badges to view badges you've been awarded in Schoology.


The Groups area lists all of the groups for which you are a member. You can also join a group from this area.

Join Groups

To join an existing Group:

  1. Tap Groups from the navigation menu.

  2. Tap the + icon on the upper right.

  3. Enter the Group Access Code.

  4. Tap Join.

The format of the group code should be XXXX-XXXX (8 digits). Once you join a group, you will begin receiving updates, posts, comments, and event notifications from the group. To manage which notifications you receive, see Notifications.

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have permission to join Groups via Group Access Codes.

Access Groups

Tap Groups from the navigation menu to see a list of all of the groups for which you are a member. To access a group, tap the name of your choice.

The following information is available under a particular group:

  • Updates

  • Discussions

  • Albums

  • Members

  • Resources

Group Updates

Group updates show the Recent Activity for a particular group. For more information about Updates, see Recent Activity.

Group Discussions

Group Discussions displays the discussions associated with the group.

Group Albums

Group albums display the media albums associated with the group.

Group Members

Depending on your device, you can access Members by tapping More in the bottom tab bar of the group profile and tap Members, or tap Members directly from the left menu. The Members area allows you to view all of the members of the group in alphabetical order by last name. To view a member profile, simply tap the user’s name.

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have access to view the member profiles.

Group Resources

Depending on your device, you can access Resources by tapping More in the bottom tab bar of the group profile and tap Resources, or tap Resources directly from the left menu. Group Resources displays the materials and resources associated with the group.

Only the following items are accessible from the mobile app:-

  • Files

  • Links

  • Pages

All other items are listed as templates in Resources and can be accessed via the mobile browser or web browser.


Tap the left navigation menu to access your Calendar. The Calendar area displays all of the events, tests/quizzes, assessments, assignments, and discussions that are associated with your Schoology profile in a day-to-day Upcoming events list as well as a traditional month-by-month Calendar view.

This is the calendar for your personal parent account. To view your child's calendar, proceed to My Children.

Create an Event

You can create an event through the iOS app from your Schoology Calendar. To create an event:

  1. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

  2. In the Post to... field, select a course, group or personal event. You post to as many areas as you want by checking these areas from the list.

  3. Select When to add a Start Date and Start Time.

  4. Select an optional End Time, or make the event an All Day Event by checking the All Day box when selecting the Start Date.

  5. Add a title to the event.

  6. Select an RSVP option. You can set it to Disabled, Only invitees can RSVP, and Anyone can RSVP.

  7. Add an optional description to the event.

  8. Add attachments from Library, Take Photo or Video, Resources, Record Audio, and iOS Apps if you wish.

  9. Tap the Checkmark icon in the upper right to finish creating the event.


The People area allows you to view your School Directory. Tap Directory to see a list of all the members in your School in alphabetical order by last name. To view a member profile, simply tap the user’s name.

Parents: Depending on the settings in place at your child's school, you may or may not have access to view the school directory.

Students: Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have access to view the school directory or a network of connected users.

Account Settings

The Account Settings area allows you to control your account settings and preferences pertaining to Account Settings, Notifications, and Privacy Settings.

Account Settings

The Account Settings tab allows you to change and update your personal information as well as Merge Accounts.

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have the permission to edit your personal information or merge accounts.


Schoology sends you e-mail notifications for Social, Academic, Group, and School activity that occurs in your account. For more information about notifications on the iOS Schoology app, please see Notifications.

Privacy Settings

The Privacy Settings tab allows you to select who can access and search for your information.

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have access to privacy settings.


The Logout button is located on the navigation menu. You may log out at any time by tapping on the navigation icon on the upper left corner of the screen. Logout is the last option on the navigation menu.

You will stay logged in until you manually log out or uninstall the application. If you quit the app, this will not log you out.

App Permissions

Use Settings on your device to allow Schoology to access various built-in features such as Photos and Camera. If you previously denied access to the camera or microphone, you can change the permissions from this area.

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