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Join courses (students)

Your courses are essentially your online classroom. They connect your classmates, contain your coursework, and give you a direct line to your instructor. You must use a 13-digit access code to become a member of any course. This access code will be given to you by your instructor.

Join a course using an access code (enterprise)

If you already have a Schoology account, you can join additional courses using the 13-digit course access code.

  1. Log in to Schoology.
  2. Select Courses.
  3. Click My Courses.
  4. From the My Courses page, click Join Course.
  5. Enter your access code (XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX).
  6. Click Join.

    Ask your teacher for more information if the option to join a course is unavailable.

Join a course using an access code (basic)

This process allows you to join a course after you create your Schoology account.

  1. Log in to Schoology.
  2. Select Courses.
  3. Click Join a Course or My Courses.
  4. From the My Courses page, click Join Course.
  5. Enter your access code (XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX).
  6. Click Join

Troubleshooting access code issues

  • Make sure the course access code is entered correctly. The code should be 13 digits, for example: XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX.
  • Confirm that students entered the course access code into the correct area in Schoology.
  • Confirm that students entered course access codes using the outline processes. Students will receive an error if they attempt to enter a group access code to join a course.
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