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Manage Users: Comprehensive Guide

Use Manage Users to review, edit, and manually create user accounts.

  • Instructors will need to contact their System Administrator to create their account.
  • Any updates made in Manage Users may take up to 15 minutes to reflect in Schoology.
  1. Select Tools from the main navigation bar.
  2. Select User Management, and then choose Manage Users.

Navigating manage users

You can search, filter, or sort users as needed.

  • Use the Search bar in each tab to locate users by their first, middle, or last name. You can also search by Username, Unique ID, or Email Address.
  • Use the Filter option to streamline your search and bulk actions. You can also use the filter to set the number of users to display on each page. To remove filter options, click Clear Filter.
  • Click a Name or Unique ID header to sort users in ascending or descending order.

The search, sort, and filter options only apply to the current tab. For example, if you search by the last name in the Edit Users tab, then toggle into the Roles/Advanced tab, the search is cleared.

Edit users

Use this tab to edit the following types of user information:

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

  • Click into each First Name, Middle Name, or Last Name field to add, remove, or adjust information.
  • Click a column heading to sort the list of users alphanumerically.


  • Users are required to have a username or email (you do not need to fill out both fields).
  • Usernames are unique to your school. They may only contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes, and underscores.


  • Users are required to have a username or email (you do not need to fill out both fields).
  • Emails must be unique within Schoology.
  • Click the Email column heading to sort the list alphanumerically.

Unique ID

  • A unique identifier for each user, usually a School ID or SIS ID. It is used to match users with your other systems when you import and export information. It also allows you to update user information with a CSV file in subsequent updates.
  • Users must have a User Unique ID to successfully export the user account.


  • The system automatically generates passwords for new users created without a specified password.
  • Passwords appear as ** when users set their own passwords.
  • Click the asterisks or existing password to enter a new password.

Select bulk action

Use the Select Bulk Action drop-down menu to perform the following actions on multiple user accounts. Check the box to the left of First Name to select all users. Place a check in the box to the left of users' names to select specific users.

Send login info

  1. Select Send Login Info.
  2. Select any number of users.
  3. Click the Save Changes button to email users their Schoology login instructions.

    Only users who have a valid email address and visible password may be sent login information. If a user has an invisible password (**), you must set a new password before sending out login information.

Print login info

  1. Select Print Login Info.
  2. Select users.

    Depending on the user account information, one of the following sets of information is included for each user:

    • School Name, Username, Password, and steps to log into Schoology.
    • Email, Password, and steps to log into Schoology.
    • Schools using Single-Sign-On must print SSO passwords using an external method.

      Click the Save Changes button to generate a PDF file of Schoology login information for each user.

Set password

  1. Select users.
  2. Choose Set Password from the Bulk Action dropdown.
  3. Enter a new password and confirm the new password.
  4. Click Submit to assign the new password to all selected users.

Mark inactive

  1. Select Mark Inactive.
  2. Select users.
  3. Click the Save Changes button.
  • Make sure to enable the Keep grade and attendance data option to retain access to user grades and attendance in courses. Disabling the feature results in the loss of user data.
  • Added comments display in the Inactive tab for future reference.

    Inactive users are not deleted from the system; however, they are removed from courses and groups. They may not log in with their credentials, and they may not participate in any area of Schoology. You can create new accounts in Inactive accounts using usernames or email addresses.

Print passwords by course

The Print Passwords by Course button generates a PDF file of login information for users in the specified course. Login information is not printed for students who have an invisible (**) password. Courses must have both a course code and a section code to appear in the dropdown menu.


Use this tab to edit the following types of user information:

Profile picture

This picture appears in the profile of the associated user

  • Click the profile picture to edit it for a specific user.
  • Click the Attach Files button to add a new picture.
  • You can attach a .jpg, .gif., or .png file. The maximum file size is 5MB/file.
  • Click Remove Picture to remove the photo.

    You may bulk import user profile pictures.


You can select a title (Mr., Mrs., Dr. for example) from the dropdown. Clicking the Title column heading sorts the list of users alphanumerically by title.


This column displays the user's name.

  • Clicking the User column heading sorts the list of users alphanumerically by the last name.
  • Clicking an individual user's name takes you to their profile page.
  • If the user has a Unique ID, it appears in gray to the right of their name.

Preferred name

The preferred name can either appear in parentheses to the right of the user's displayed name, or it can be used as the displayed name itself.

To add a preferred name:

  1. Enter a name in the Preferred Name field.
  2. In the dropdown that displays select:
    • Replace First Name with Preferred Name.
    • Display both First Name and Preferred Name.
  3. Click Save Changes.

To remove a preferred name, delete the existing name and click Save Changes.

Clicking the Preferred Name column heading sorts the list of users by preferred name.


The dropdown menu displays all the roles in your school. To assign a user to another role, click the dropdown next to the individual user and select a new role. Click Save Changes for the new role to take effect.

Administrators can click the Edit button to the right of a role to add, delete, or rename existing roles, as well as mark roles as Faculty.


View and adjust the schools associated with each user.

  • This area of Roles/Advanced may or may not appear in your account, depending on the framework of your organization.
  • The drop-down menu displays all schools in the organization.
  • To assign a user to another school, click the drop-down next to the individual. Select a new school and click Save Changes to complete.

Grad year

Graduation years entered into this field can be exported and filtered from the Export area. You may also filter by Grad Year from the Filter option at the top.


Enables you to enter, remove, or edit information located in user profiles. Click Save Changes to adjust user profile information.

Change role to

Select a role from the list of roles in the dropdown menu and click Save Changes.

Change school to

Select a school in the dropdown menu and click Save Changes.

Import user pictures

Enables you to import user profile pictures for all users in your school. To use this feature, you must make sure that users' Schoology accounts have a Unique ID or Username that matches the file name associated with their profile picture.

  1. Once you have users' Unique IDs or Usernames matched to their corresponding file, zip the photos.

    You cannot import folders within zipped folders.

  2. Next, choose the zip file and upload the file to Schoology.
  3. Click the Upload File button.
  4. In the Preview/confirm step, you'll have an opportunity to make sure that the uploaded photo is matched to the correct user. Once you're ready, click Confirm to complete.

    • The size of the zip file must be 50MB or smaller.
    • For properly scaled thumbnails, image dimensions should be 35 (width) x 32 (height).

      When the upload process is complete, you'll see a green success message that states the number of successfully imported pictures.

Faculty info

Faculty members are users who have been assigned a role marked Faculty. This Faculty flag allows users to participate in activities such as: receiving Schoology messages (depending on the permission), accessing Public Resources, accessing the App Center, and connecting with other users.

Use this tab to create and assign departments and positions.


This column displays the user's name.

  • Clicking on the User column heading will sort the list of users alphanumerically by the last name.
  • Clicking on an individual's name will take you to their profile page.
  • If the user has been assigned a unique ID, it will appear in gray to the right of the user's name.


The dropdown menu displays all the departments in your school. To assign a user to another department:

  1. Click the dropdown next to the individual user.
  2. Select a new department.
  3. Click Save Changes.

    Administrators with an Enterprise account can click the Edit button to the right of the Department to add, delete, or rename existing departments.


You may enter a position in the text box next to a user's name in the Position column.

The Select Bulk Action dropdown can be used to perform the following actions on multiple user accounts. Checking the box to the left of First Name will select all users. Specific users can be selected by placing a check in the box next to their name.

Set department

  1. Select a department from the list of departments in the dropdown menu.
  2. Click the Submit button to save the association.

Set position

  1. Enter a position title in the field.
  2. Click the Submit button to save the new titles.


Parent associations allow the parent account to view children's information by toggling into a view-only child account through the downfacing arrow at the top right of their accounts. This view displays the student's Recent Activity feed, their upcoming items, their calendar, and if the permission is enabled, their grades and attendance. It also allows parents view-only access to the child's courses and groups, if the privacy settings allow.

Advisor associations allow the advisor account to view advisee information through the Advisees tab that will display in the left menu. As the System Administrator, you have access to this tab by default, and you can search for any user in your school using this tab. When you establish advisor associations, advisors may view this same information for their advisees.

Use this tab to set parent and advisor accounts to student accounts in Schoology.

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Unique ID, Role

  1. These columns display user information.
  2. Clicking on the column heading will sort the information alphanumerically.


  • Add parent associations
  1. Search for the student to whom you'd like to add a parent association.
  2. Click on the Parent button to the right of the student's name.
  3. Enter the name of the parent in the field. The field will auto-populate matching users in your school as you begin to type.
  4. Once you've added all the parent associations for the student, click Save Changes to complete.
  • Add advisor associations
  1. Search for the student to whom you'd like to add an advisor association.
  2. Click the Advisor button to the right of the student's name.
  3. Enter the name of the advisor in the field. The field will auto-populate matching users in your school as you begin to type.
  4. Once you've added all the advisor associations for the student, click Save Changes to complete.
  • Remove associations
  1. Click the x that appears to the right of the associated parent or advisor.
  2. Once you've selected all of the parents or advisors you'd like to remove, click Save Changes to complete.

Use the Select Bulk Action dropdown to clear parent associations for the selected user(s).

Use the Options dropdown menu to complete the following actions:

Import associations

  • This option lets you import a CSV or XLS file of parent or advisor associations.
  • Parents with multiple children in the school may be listed more than once in the file.

Export associations

  • This option generates a CSV file containing the user IDs and the associated parents or advisors for each user.

Download parent access codes

  • This option generates a CSV file of users' Parent Access Codes.
  • Parents can use their code to register a new account or to associate their existing account with a child from the My Children tab, where this code is called, Child Code.

Parent Access Code is unique to each child.

As the System Administrator, you can enable or disable the ability for parents to make associations by selecting or deselecting the options to Enable parent access codes in System Settings.


The Inactive area lists all users in the system marked Inactive.


This column displays the user's name. If the user has been assigned a Unique ID, it will appear in gray to the right of the user's name.

Inactive date

This column displays the date and time the account was marked Inactive.

Modified by

This column displays the System Administrator that acted. Clicking on the name will take you to the user's profile.


This column displays any comments by the System Administrator while making the account inactive. To edit the comment, click into the field, make changes, and click Save Changes.

The Select Bulk Action dropdown can be used to perform the following actions on multiple user accounts. Checking the box next to the User will select all users. Specific users can be selected by placing a check in the box next to their name.

Make active

  1. Select a user by checking the box next to the user's name.
  2. Select the option to Make Active and click Save Changes to complete.
  3. Making the users Active will enable access to join courses and groups. Check the option to Also place user(s) back into courses and groups to re-enroll the user in previous courses and groups.

    Re-enrollment into previous courses will populate grades and attendance.

Add comment

  1. Select a user by checking the box to the left of the user's name.
  2. Select the option to Add Comment.
  3. Enter a comment and click Submit.
  4. The entered comment will override the comment field for all selected users.


The Merge area enables you to merge one user account into a different account in your school. Use this feature when a user has a duplicate account in your school system.

The source account–that is, the account being merged–will be deleted from the system, with the content from the source account available from the destination account. Once you've merged the accounts, the user can log in with the destination account's credentials.

  • When merging accounts from a System Administrator account, grades from the source account are not transferred to the destination account; that is, only the grades from the destination account are retained. Ensure to export any desired grades before merging accounts.
  • You cannot unmerge accounts you've merged. Be sure to double-check that the accounts you are merging are correct before you complete the merge process. Additionally, consider asking the user to link accounts if both accounts should exist in Schoology.

To merge accounts:

  1. Click Manage Users in the right menu.
  2. Click the Merge tab along the top.
  3. Enter the name of the user account you'd like to merge in the User Being Merged field. This field auto-populates the user account from your school.
  4. In the Destination User field, enter the name of the user account you want the first account merged into. This field also auto-populates.
  5. Make sure that the two accounts you've selected are correct. The Destination account is the account that will remain after the merge.
  6. When ready, click the Submit button.
  7. Review the two accounts in the Preview/confirm step.
  8. Click Merge to complete the merge, or click Cancel to exit the form.

Ensure grade preservation when merging accounts

Review the information below before proceeding with the merge. Consider the following when determining which account is the Destination User and which is the Account Being Merged to ensure grade preservation.

If one of the accounts was created via SIS synchronization through an SIS app (such as PowerSchool, eSchoolPlus, etc.), the SIS-created account is the Destination User. Enter the non-synced user account into the User Being Merged field. You can determine which of the accounts was created by the SIS because the enrollments match the enrollments for that student in your SIS instance, and the account's Unique ID is the value derived from an identifier in your SIS instance.

If both of the accounts were created by your SIS, contact Schoology Support for assistance.

If neither of the accounts are SIS-synced accounts, and both accounts are enrolled in the same courses, then the destination user’s grades are preserved. The grades received in the account in the User Being Merged field is deleted. If you need to retain grades from the source account, contact Schoology Support to help complete the merge process.

This means if both accounts have grades, not necessarily for the same assignments or the same classes.

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