My Resourcesis your own personal library of documents that you create in Schoology or download from other sites. It's easy to organize, create, and copy/move your resources right from theMy Resourcespage. Saving your documents in this personal library enables you to access them for years to come and use them in any courses you take in the future.
To view your resources, click Resources at the top of Schoology.
Add Collections
Collections are like containers that store folders and files in your Resources, to help you organize your work. They are located in the left menu of your Personal Resources.
To add a collection, follow these steps:
Select the Resourcesdropdown from the top menu.
Click the Add Collection Icon (the beige box with a green and white plus sign).
Title your new collection.
ClickCreateto finish.
Search Resources
The Resource Search feature searches for keywords in yourPersonalandGroupResources.
Filter Results
To filter the search results, check the boxes listed under the following criteria:
Area: This option enables you to narrow the search to yourPersonalorGroupResources.
File Format: This option enables you to narrow the search to the type of file ormaterialof the resource.
Organize Collections
Click the downward arrow next to theAdd Collection Icon toReordercollections. This option enables you to arrange the order of your collections. Click the arrow that appears next to the collection and drag the collection to your desired location. ClickSaveto complete.
The dropdown menu that appears when you click the downward arrow next to a collection (excluding Home) enables you to Rename and Delete the collection.
Deletion of a collection cannot be undone.
Add Resources to Collections
To Add Resources, follow these steps:
Select the Resourcesdropdown menu at the top of the page.
ClickPersonal in the dropdown.
Click the collection to which you'd like to add resources, or simply add to yourHomecollection.
ClickAdd Resources, located at the top of the page.
Select the type of resource you would like to add.
Edit Resources
There is aGear Iconto the right of every resource. The Gear Icon enables you to Edit, Move, Copy, or Delete a resource.
Edit: This option enables you to change the title of your resource.
Copy to: This option enables you to "copy and paste" the resource into another location in your Resources.
Move to: This option enables you to "cut and paste" the resource into another location in your Resources.
Delete: This option enables you to delete the resource from yourResources. This action cannot be undone.
The options to Copy to, Move to, and Delete are also located in the Edit button that appears after you check a box next to a resource in a collection. Selecting multiple checkboxes enables bulk actions.
You can find even more tools to organize your resources within the Optionsdropdown menu at the top center of the page. Some options are only available for your Collections, while other options are available after clicking into a particular Folder. These options enable you to:
Reorder: This option enables you to change the order of your Folders, Files, and Links. Click the arrow that appears next to the resource and drag it to your desired location. Don’t forget to clickSubmitat the bottom.
Auto-arrange: This option enables Schoology to automatically arrange your items for you.
This option arranges all of the resources in a collection; checked-boxes do not apply.
Rename Collection: This option enables you to change the name of the collection.
Delete Collection: This option enables you to delete your collection. This action cannot be undone.
Resource Apps
Resource Apps integrate third-party content, such asGoogle Drive,OneDriveorDropbox, directly into the Resource Center. This means that all of your personal, shared, public, and external instructional resources are consolidated in one place.
Install the app to your Resources
If you're accessing the Resource Apps area for the first time, you may see a button toInstall apps.
Select the option to install the Resource(s) of your choice.
Connect to your third party account
Once you've installed the Resource App to your Resources, click the app.
Approveaccess and connect your account.
Enter the Username and password you use to login to the third-party account.
ClickAcceptto successfully connect.
All of your content will automatically populate your Resource App.
Group Resources
Group Resourcesdisplays a list of all groups to which you belong, as well as your School Resources. If you’re not yet a member of any groups, or if you haven’t yet selected your school, the list of resources appears empty.
Only the following items are accessible from theiOS mobile app:-
Only the following items are accessible from theAndroid mobile app:-
All other items are listed as templates inResourcesand can be accessed via the mobile browser or web browser.
Add Group Resources
Depending on the settings in the group, you may see anAdd Resourcesbutton in certain groups. To add resources, follow these steps:
Click Resources at the top of the page.
ClickGroup in the dropdown.
UnderGroup Resourcesclick the Group to which you'd like to add resources.
Click the Add Resourcesbutton located at the top of the page.
Select the type of resource you would like to add.
Copy Group Resources
If you would like to copy a resource to your own resources, follow these steps:
Click theGear iconto the right of the resource.
Click Copy to.
Select a collection or folder in your Personal Resources to which you would like to copy the resource.
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