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Personal Account (Students): Notifications

Schoology sends you email and text notifications for Social, Academic, Group, and School activity that occurs in your account. To manage your personal account notifications, click on the downward-facing arrow in the upper right corner of your Schoology page, and select Settings.

  • Email and text message notifications differ from the Notifications menu (bell icon) located at the top of Schoology. The notifications listed under the bell icon are not customizable. They display information related to course materials and events in chronological order to keep you abreast of academic activity. For more information on the notifications that appear in the bell icon menu, see: What kind of notifications appear in the menu notifications?
  • For information regarding mobile notifications, see these Help articles:
    • iOS Mobile App (Students): Notifications
    • Android Mobile App (Students): Notifications

Email Notifications

You can select which notifications you would like to receive from courses and groups in which you're enrolled.

To turn off all email notifications for your account, click Turn Off All Notifications.

If you have a Basic Schoology account, all email notifications are disabled by default.

To customize your notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Click the arrow next to your name on the top right side of Schoology.
  2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Notifications tab.
  4. Select the button next to the notifications you want to change.
  5. Choose On (receive from all sources), Off (do not receive from all sources), or Custom (pick and choose the sources).
  6. Click Save Changes at the bottom.

If you receive notifications for Schoology Messages, you may respond to the message directly from the notification in your email.

Text Message Notifications

Text message notifications are also available for certain actions.

If you live outside of the U.S. or Canada, text message notifications are not yet supported at this time.

You can link your mobile phone to your Schoology account by following these directions:

  1. Click the arrow next to your name on the top right side of Schoology.
  2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Notifications tab.
  4. Select the Send Notifications to Your Phone via Text Message box to the right.
  5. Enter your Cell Phone Number (your number remains hidden from other members).
  6. Choose your Country.
  7. Select your wireless Carrier.
  8. Click Set Mobile to complete.

To edit or remove your cell number:

  1. Click Edit next to Mobile Phone to the right of Notifications:
  2. To update your number, enter the correct cell number or click Remove if you wish to remove your mobile phone entirely.
  3. Click Set Mobile to complete.

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