Profile (Students)
Your profile contains information about you and your Schoology activity, such as your interests, parents, advisors, and course and group enrollments.
- Click your name in the Schoology header.
- Click Your Profile.
Schoology users who click your name in Schoology will also be taken to your profile. Your school's system-wide privacy settings determine who can access your profile. Additionally, depending on the settings in place at your school, you can adjust your account privacy settings to control who can access your profile.
Profile picture
If the Edit Picture option is not available when you move the cursor over your picture, your school may have different rules for profile pictures. Contact your teacher with any questions.
- Move the cursor over your profile picture, and then click Edit Picture.
- If you already have a profile picture, click Remove Picture to remove your current picture.
- Click Attach File.
- Choose a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file from your device. A photo file can't exceed 5 MB.
- Alternatively, you can choose an avatar.
The Info tab gives other users additional information about you.
Some information, such as parents and advisors with whom you are associated, may be included by default due to the settings in place at your school.
From your profile, click Edit to change or add information.
You may be unable to edit your profile information based on your school's settings. Contact your teacher with any questions.
Badges displays all of the badges your instructors have awarded you in a course. You can filter badges by current and past courses and sort them by oldest or newest.
Enterprise only features
The following features are only available to students with the enterprise version of Schoology. If you aren't sure which version you have, ask your teacher.
By default, student account blogs are unavailable unless your school's system administrator enables them. If blogs are enabled, click Blog to create posts on your profile. Use the rich text editor to attach files, resources, audio, or video recordings.
Students at enterprise organizations may have a Portfolios option listed on the Profile menu. Portfolios are a great way to showcase your work, compile projects you are proud of, or display information you've learned.