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Scheduling an Auto-Import

Setting Frequency and Hour of Import

Schoology is optimized to process imports and exports (auto or manual) between the hours of 7 pm to 6 am Eastern Time (ET) or 11 pm to 10 am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) from Monday to Sunday. It is strongly recommended to perform or schedule all imports, exports, and bulk deletions during this time frame, including manual imports as well as scheduled auto-imports, for optimal performance.

To schedule a recurring import, on the Import page, click the Auto-Import tab and select:

  • The frequency of import.
  • The hour when your import will be queued for processing (consider that the actual start time will depend on any other imports queued ahead of your file).

The displayed hours are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Daylight Savings

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) does not change for daylight savings time. If you are in a time zone that observes daylight savings time, your scheduled queuing time will simply run an hour earlier or later depending on the season. 


  • You have selected a 6 am GMT queue time.
  • Your organization is located in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) time zone.
    • EST runs 5 hours behind GMT during the winter months
      • Your import will queue at 1 am EST/6 am GMT in the winter months 
    • EST runs 4 hours behind GMT during the summer months
      • Your import will queue at 2 am EST/6 am GMT in the summer months

If your organization has multiple processes running that need to occur in a specific order, you may want to adjust your set times by hour whenever daylight savings changes.

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