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School Management: System Settings

System Settings enables you to control site-wide settings for your organization.

To access System Settings:

  1. Click Tools in the header.
  2. Select School Management.
  3. Click System Settings on the navigation menu.

PowerBuddy allotments

Choose Review PowerBuddy Allotments to review the remaining usage allotment balance.

All PowerSchool products with PowerBuddy integrations share a usage allotment for all of the PowerBuddy features within those products.

For example, in Performance Matters, PowerBuddy for Assessment uses one allotment each time you generate or regenerate item content. In Schoology, PowerBuddy for Learning uses one allotment each time you generate content for an assignment or discussion.

Districts must use their usage allotments by June 30th. Unused allotments do not roll over.

For example, if a district has one PowerBuddy product and an allotment bank set to 3,000,000, then the allotment distribution on July 1st would be 3,000,000.
After July 1st, if that district had used 1,000,000 allotments, added another PowerBuddy product, and purchased another 3,000,000 allotments, then the district allotment balance would be 5,000,000.

Designated district contacts will receive email notifications when allotments reach low thresholds and when there are no remaining allotments.

PowerBuddy features will become inactive if the usage allotment reaches zero.

PowerBuddy settings

Use PowerBuddy settings to configure PowerBuddy for Learning and to review chat logs. 

To access PowerBuddy settings:

  1. Select Tools from the main menu.

  2. Select PowerBuddy settings.

    1. Alternatively, choose School Management, and then select PowerBuddy settings.

Access codes

You can enable or disable the ability for students to use an Access Code to register for an account. By default, the system has this feature enabled.

The following options are available:

  • Enable course access codes: This setting enables users to request to join a course by entering an access code. Users will be able to join a course from the My Courses page by adding a course access code.
  • Enable group access codes: This setting enables users to request to join a group by entering an access code. Users will be able to join a group from the My Groups page by adding a group access code.
  • Enable student registration with an access code: This setting enables users to register on their own from the Schoology homepage. The user will be able to navigate to, and use a course access code or group access code to create an account within your Enterprise organization.
  • Enable parent access codes: This setting enables parents to create accounts and monitor their child's account by entering a Parent Access Code.
  • Select the default role for a new parent: Parents registering a new account using an access code will be set to this default selection (we recommend using a Parent role).
  • Enable registration codes: This setting enables users to create faculty user accounts by entering the appropriate code for their role. Click Enable to the right of each role to enable registration codes for a particular role.

System settings apply to your entire organization. You may further enable or disable the ability for a particular role to join courses and groups using an access code by selecting or deselecting the permissions Use course access codes from the Permissions area.

Default time zone

The time zone selected from the drop-down menu will be the default time zone associated with newly created users under your system.

Default language

The language selected from the drop-down menu will be the default language associated with newly created users under your system.

Calendar system

Administrators have the option to enable the Hijri calendar at the district level. This allows users at the school level to choose their calendar display preferences, including displaying Hijri dates side-by side with Gregorian dates (within certain content) and a Hijri toggle on calendar and date pickers. 

To change your calendar system at the district level, choose between Gregorian or Gregorian and Hijri from the list, and click Save Changes.

The logo image uploaded to this area will be used for certain reports printed from Schoology.

Parent settings

Default parent account

As the System Admin, you can set the default landing page for parent accounts.

  • Main Account: This option will display the main account (the parent's Recent Activity area) to parents when they log in.
  • Child Activity: This option will display the children's Recent Activity area to parents when they log in.
  • User Account Preference: This option enables the parent to set their own landing page from their Account Settings.

Parent access

This area enables you to determine the content accessible and viewable to parents.

  • View child's course submissions: This option enables parents to open and view the submissions a student makes in a course assignment.
  • View child's grades: This option lets parents view the child's grades in a Schoology course.
  • View child's attendance: This option enables parents to view the attendance marks a child receives in a Schoology course.
  • View child's mastery grades: If your school or course uses learning objectives, this option enables parents to view the mastery grades in a Schoology course.

Parent email digest

As the System Admin, you may also set the default settings for parents' reception of an email digest. This email digest provides a summary of their child's activity on a scheduled basis, which parents may set from the Notifications area of the Child Activity.

  • Off: This option requires that the parent sign in to their Schoology and elect to turn on their email digest.
  • On: This option sends an email digest to parents on a weekly or daily basis of your choosing. Parents may sign in to their Schoology account and turn off or adjust these settings for their personal accounts at any time.

    Changing this will set the default setting for all users within your organization who have not customized this setting in their Account Settings.

Learning standards

Enable Learning Standards for your organization. Instructors will be able to select from these learning objectives wherever they create course materials and rubrics.

  • Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, State Standards, American Education Reaches Out Curriculum Frameworks
  • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
  • College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education

Set default home page

Changing this will set the default home page setting for all users within your organization who have not customized this setting in Account Settings.

Choose between:

  • Recent Activity
  • Course Dashboard
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