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Schoology Learning Release Notes: April 2024

Features for the Schoology April 2024 Release are expected on April 25, 2024.

New Features and Enhancements

Feature or Product Area


Import Common Cartridge 1.3

Schoology now supports the import of Common Cartridge 1.3 (CC 1.3) and Thin Common Cartridge 1.3 (TCC 1.3).

Longer names will now be supported in Schoology

Schoology will now support up to 100 characters each for first name, middle name, last name, and preferred name fields for all users.
For the 24.4 release, users might see distortions in the UI for longer names. We are working on resolving these issues.

Powerbuddy for Learning - Content Generation

Announcing PowerBuddy for Learning, a new AI generation tool in Schoology, which can be purchased as a paid add-on.

Educators can generate content, such as a fictional story, nonfiction summary, writing assignment, word problem, science experiment, or article, for assignments and discussions directly in Schoology courses. Using generative AI, with the PowerSchool built-in content filtering for an educational context, allows users to get a jump start on this type of content.

New Schoology Apps in the App Center

  • Scholastic Digital Manager (by Scholastic) - Scholastic Digital Manager (SDM) provides a single place for educators and students to access and manage their suite of Scholastic digital programs. Find it at:

  • Gale Interactive: Science (by Cengage Gale) - Gale Interactive: Science is an immersive online learning tool that brings the virtual laboratory experience to middle and high school classrooms. With interactive 3D models, students can explore, zoom in, rotate, and pull apart objects, igniting their curiosity and driving academic success. Engaging activities are complemented by authoritative content sourced from resources like Gale In Context: Science and Gale OneFile, ensuring a rich learning experience. Students delve into complex scientific topics and unleash their potential through exploration and experimentation. Find it at:

  • Amplify Tutoring (by Amplify Education Inc.) - This app enables students to log in to Amplify’s video classroom for virtual tutoring sessions from district configured Schoology accounts using the LTI 1.3 technical standard. District configuration is required for this app. Find it at:

  • Sommer Learning (by Sommer Learning) - Sommer Learning is a digital platform for K-3 kids covering Phonics, Numbers/Math, and Writing. Find it at:

  • Classwise (by Silverhook Innovation PVt. Ltd.) - Classwise is a powerful tool designed to enhance the learning experience for both teachers and students. With its simple all-in-one solution, Classwise provides and easy way for teachers to create assignments, increase class participation and track class progress. Its a comprehensive platform that simplifies the teaching and learning process. Find it at:

Resolved Issues

Product Area


Count in Grade is not properly honored in auto-exports of grades

When an material has Count in Grade is disabled, the grade for the material is still being used in calculating their overall average grade for the grading period in the auto-export file.

Grades appear incorrectly in the Gradebook UI when quickly changing sections

When switching between linked sections too quickly in the gradebook, the grades appear incorrectly in the UI.

Course Administrators unable to copy discussions to a course when Enable Grading is enabled

Under certain circumstance, users were unable to copy discussions to a course from the "Add Materials" menu when Enable Grading is enabled.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.