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Schoology Release Notes: April 2017

Search Capability in Google Drive Resource App

  • We added the ability to search your Google Drive from within our Google Drive Resource App as a part of our ongoing Google integration enhancements.
  • It will now be easier to find and select the Google Drive files you'd like to incorporate into your Schoology materials.

Course Objectives (Enterprise only)

  • We added the ability to align learning objectives to a course from the Course Listing. Each section of that course will be assigned those objectives, so instructors can see the learning objectives assigned to their section and a count of materials they have tied to each required learning objective.
  • This is a key foundational component for our vision of enhanced mastery learning and competency-based education.
  • Learn more about this feature here.

    This is an optional feature that must be enabled for your Enterprise organization and administered by a System Administrator. If you would like to enable Course Objectives, please reach out to your Client Success team.

QTI Question Metadata Import into AMP Question Banks (AMP only)

  • This is an enhancement to our existing QTI import feature. It will allow AMP users to import third party question banks with Learning Objectives that have been mapped to them.
  • Educators often use third party question bank providers to map their questions to the learning standards. This enhancement enables AMP Administrators to better align Schoology assessments to targeted objectives.
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