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Schoology Release Notes: April 2019

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New Features and Updates

Saving Average Score Comparison Reports (AMP)

  • AMP customers can now save Comparative Assessment reports!
  • This makes it easier to compare the data for AMP assessments that you want to see most often, without having to set filters and choose assessments each time.
  • Learn more: Assessment Reports: Compare Assessments (AMP)

New AMP menu in Schoology header (AMP)

  • We added AMP to the top header in Schoology, which makes it easier for users to navigate to Assessment Teams and Assessment Reports.
  • AMP customers who have access to either or both of these two areas now see the new AMP category in the header:

Easier access to Grading Options when creating materials

  • When teachers create or edit course materials there were 3 fields previously hidden by default: Factor, Grading Period, and Set as Midterm/Final. You could display these fields by clicking a "Grading Options" link.
  • To simplify the workflow, we removed the Grading Options link, so you can now see all the available options when creating or editing an assignment.

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