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Schoology Release Notes: June 2020

On this page

New Features & Updates 

District Mastery: Learning Objective Tags

  • We added the ability for teachers in organizations using the new District Mastery to view tags for Learning Objectives aligned to course materials in the overall course materials view.
  • Teachers no longer must edit a material to see the Learning Objectives they have aligned to that material.
  • Learn more: How do I align and grade materials with the Standards-Based Gradebook?

District Mastery: Align Grade Columns

Classic Mastery: Align External Tools

  • Teachers using our classic Mastery solution in their course sections can now align External Tools to Learning Objectives.
  • This update gives teachers the ability to include student scores from an external tool in students' Mastery progress.
  • Learn more: Student Mastery Reporting (Enterprise Only)

Bug Fixes  

  • We fixed an issue with the equation tool in the rich text editor that prevented teachers from adding equations to questions in assessments and tests/quizzes. Teachers can now successfully utilize the equation tool in assessments and tests/quizzes. 
  • We fixed an issue with rubrics that prevented teachers from aligning pre-existing rubrics to short answer/essay questions in assessments. Teachers can now align pre-existing rubrics to short answer/essay questions. 
  • We fixed an issue with tests/quizzes in Safari mobile browser that displayed an error when users opened a fill in the blank or short answer/essay question for more than one minute without submitting. Viewing a fill in the blank or short answer/essay question in a test/quiz for more than a minute in Safari mobile browser no longer displays an error.  
  • We fixed an issue with rubrics containing a decimal value in the criteria score that prevented the max score from being calculated correctly. Items aligned to rubrics containing a decimal value now display the correct max score.  
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