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Schoology Release Notes: June/July 2019

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New Features and Updates

Availability Windows for Managed Assessments (AMP only)

  • AMP administrators can enter dates and times for when managed assessments are available for students to make submissions
  • This makes it even easier for administrators to control when common assessments are taken with minimum impact on day-to-day teaching.
  • Learn more: Availability Windows for Managed Assessments (AMP)

District Mastery: Import District-Wide Learning Objectives

  • Schoology is dedicated to building a standards-based grading solution that will help districts achieve their goals with a centralized model for standards and learning objectives. To achieve a true mastery or competency solution, we are building a scalable foundation that is intended to grow over time. The initial phase of District Mastery is just that - the first phase of a bigger solution.
  • As a first step toward a centralized approach for districts to set up and configure Learning Objectives and Mastery Calculation Settings, Schoology built a way for Enterprise districts to import custom learning objectives and an associated hierarchy that can be used across classrooms and buildings in their organization.
  • In July, we released this functionality to a group of limited pilot participants. To learn more about a centralized approach to standards, check out our ebook: Standards Based Grading: How to Get Started
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